
These Boots Were Made For Walking

OOh, we just love to hang out in the closet. There is so much to see. And now we have this cool noise maker that plays "Twinkle Twinkle" and projects cool shapes and animals on the ceiling when it's dark- so we're in the closet A LOT. Sometimes we try on boots, sometimes we go through the 8-10 different potions and lotions the mattress factory gave us when we bought our mattress. Sometimes we pretend to work out on Daddy's fitness bar. There's just a lot to do in there. Today, we tried to lock ourselves in when Jennifer showed up, because we just don't want to be apart.

A few updates on some things I don't want to forget.
a) Davis is actually the shy guy in a large group. He is content to play on his own, and he's pretty quiet, as long as he knows I'm there. Seeing him with groups is very different than listening to him at home. I think that is a bit like me- sort of watching, listening, observing, and then chatting when he gets comfortable.

b) He says some funny versions of words. Vacuum, for example, has gone from "doom" to "doom-a". Not sure why. And he recognizes things that look like vacuums and gets very excited shouting "doom-a, doom-a!"

c) We've started giving him Flinstones vitamin gummies. OOOH! He just LOVES these. I call them "vitamins" and he immediately says "min-a, min-a, min-a!"

d) He says "Let's go" a lot. In fact, I woke up to him chanting "etsgo! etsgo!" in the other room this morning.

e) He has started tacking on a second word lately. Just here and there he'll say something like "da-ee car?" or "no momma".

f) He's over hugs and kisses- they're more rare and so they are more special too. And it's true, sometimes I bribe him with things to give me a kiss or a hug.

That's all for now- happy Tuesday.

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