
Most Days

I forget that I'm pregnant- especially now that I'm feeling better. But NOT TODAY. My jeans are really tight. I think I have about 1 more week (maybe 2) in my normal pants before I have to say "enough is enough".

I'm trying to be a lot healthier this pregnancy. I'm watching what I eat and I vow to work out the entire time- even if just the two days a week with Ahmad. So far, I haven't gained any weight, but I know the 2nd half is where I will really struggle. My goal is to gain 5 pounds in the first 20 weeks. Not sure if this is realistic at all- but I have about 5 weeks to go until I find out. Gotta be prepared. Gotta remember that baby weight holds on like no other weight you've ever gained before.

Oh and also, we have a few names we like if it's a girl. Three repeats from last time, and one new one.

1 comment:


    I was just poking around your blog and realize how much I miss seeing your smiling face all the time.

    Congrats on the new baby on the way! I'm very excited for you!!

    Also, I'm very impressed at your blog and how you put yourself out there -- you are very confident in yourself and that inspires to me. I dream of creating another blog that's more of a personal journal for myself than a documentation of Maceo's life. Kind of scary for me who keeps it all inside and doesn't really express the inner workings. I just may do it.

    Say hi to my friend Oscar, too! I'm very jealous that you get to sit next to him every day.

