

Remember how I mentioned that we were going to Hawaii? We changed our minds. We're going to do a little tour of California instead. It started to feel exhausting thinking of going on a 12 hour (door to door) trip with a two year old, then adjusting to a 6 hour time change, and lugging a pack n play a stroller, a car seat, etc. to the islands. Not to say we won't be going to Hawaii or that we'll let kids slow us down traveling...I think 1) Davis and I want to go to Hawaii just the two of us, for a romantic getaway and 2) we'll plan better next time, buy a seat for Davis, and not go when I'm 20 weeks pregnant.

So we changed our tickets and here is our new plan.
- Davis, Davis and I are going to L.A. on Saturday the 17th. We're staying two nights at Shutters on the Beach and then Monday morning we'll meet up with Nikki and my mom and start our little road trip. The Moore girls are nothing if not flexible...

- Monday, the 5 of us will drive up the coast and spend a night in Santa Barbara. EEK! I love Santa Barbara and I can't wait to show Nikki and my mom what a beautiful place it is.

- Tuesday we'll drive further up the coast to Carmel or Big Sur. We're not sure where yet and we're not sure if we'll stay one or two nights...but that Tuesday is Bennett's birthday so I'm going to plan something special for him!

- Wednesday or Thursday we'll drive just a little further north and head into San Francisco for a day or two (depending on how long we stay in Carmel/Big Sur).

- Friday Nikki leaves us, flying out of San Fran, and then the four of us will drive the long road back to Los Angeles via the less scenic but much faster route on highway 5.

- We'll stay Friday night in L.A. and then we fly out Saturday morning to head back to Texas.

I'm actually really excited about the trip. I can't wait to be on the beach, to feel cool weather, to shop, to feel like I'm on a road trip. Yahoo! So, the countdown is on, and here is a map of our planned trip.

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