
New Wardrobe

My mom and aunt Nikki hooked Davis up with the cutest clothes and hats for christmas. He's just so handsome and manly these days. HA!
Here are a few pictures- more to come!

Happy Holidays

Were had by all in the Bennett family. For the first time, we had christmas eve in Austin, just the three of us. We cooked steak and portabella mushrooms for dinner, wrapped presents and watched The Hangover. It was a very sweet night. The next morning we got up early, packed up our Jeep like we were moving, and headed to Fred. We spent the day with my family and had a really great time. I was so relieved to see how well my grandfather was doing after his surgery!

Little Davis was great- he is so calm and happy. He's starting to smile- which is the most fun. It's ridiculous how great it makes you feel to see your baby smile.

I hope your holidays were very merry!


Santa, I Love You

Not only did he bring me the all-time best gift ever- baby Davis...but he has given me another gift that I love more than anything that could be wrapped and put under the tree...GOOD SLEEP!

The past two nights, baby Davis has slept for 4 and 4 1/2 hours straight. I can't tell you what this feels like. First I wake up, check the clock, panic, then peek on my video monitor to make sure he's still breathing, and when I see his little head nodding (it nods with each breath- so cute) I smile, thank God, and go back to bed.

So sleeping 4+ hours is a first, and as you can see in the above pictures, there have been a few other firsts this week including: holding his own bottle (really) and his first hoodie.

Merry Christmas!



I turned 29 today, and while I'm not sure exactly how I feel about that, my birthday has certainly spurred some good thought already. For example, last night I laid in bed thinking about my birthday and what I hoped to do/learn/become in the next year. Sounds a lot like resolutions and maybe so- but I'd prefer to think of this simply as how I would like to expand my horizons and become a better version of myself in the next year. Here are a few things I thought of.

1) I'd like to be more gracious. Many people have shown me such grace in the past few months- my girlfriends (sister included) in particular- and they've inspired me to try to do the same for others.

2) I'd also like to slow down. I am always thinking of the next thing...and while I do think this trait is what helps me be successful in my job and pretty pulled together in life in general, having a baby and spending the entire day simply enjoying having a baby has helped me realize how important it is to slow down and enjoy exactly where I am at the time. I thought I would get bored at some point on maternity leave- but I'm really enjoying myself and learning a lot in this new pace.

3) Of course I'd like to lose the remainder of the baby weight and also get back in running shape.

4) I'd like to write more. And not just these factual blog entries. I've always loved to write and I've always fancied myself a writer- so I'd like to sharpen my pencil and do more of this thing that I love in the coming year.

5) I'd like to travel with Davis and Davis. Not sure where exactly- though I have a list of places I'd like to go next- just have to choose one or two.

And that is all for now.
All in all, today was great and so was this last year, so I only have good things to look forward to with a hopeful spirit. My best birthday gift by far is the adorable little guy I get to call my baby Davis. God is good.




5 Weeks

Things have changed so much in week 5- Davis especially. His little face and body are filling out- he is finally in 0-3 months clothes instead of newborn- and he is learning things...small things, but noticeable things.
1) he doesn't scream every time we change his diaper or pull a shirt over his head- it's like he has realized that it's not so bad and it's going to happen frequently.
2) he follows things better with his eyes
3) when he wakes up hungry in the night and I set him up on my lap on his boppy- he immediately starts to calm down- like he knows the bottle is coming.
4) he is getting closer and closer to getting that thumb in his mouth- yesterday he found it twice and was very pleased.

It's so fun hanging out with him- I don't feel like I could ever get tired of it- and boredom is out of the question. We did have our first public meltdown at the mall on Thursday- it was quite the experience and a test of my patience. I was in the Dillard's bathroom for about an hour- loudly telling him how much I loved him so the other people in the bathroom would know I wasn't torturing him.

Here is a quick picture of Davis and Davis- Niles took it last week while he was here.


Our Friend Carrie

Took amazing pictures of little Davis a couple weeks ago. She is quite the talented photographer. Check out a few of our favorites.


One Sweet Month

Tomorrow, little Davis turns one month old. It sounds silly, but it feels like just yesterday that I was telling someone he was 10 days old. It's crazy how fast time is flying- it makes me sad, really, but I am enjoying every minute of this. Okay, okay, I was not enjoying some minutes this week as you could probably tell in my last post- but we got the whole feeding thing figured out and now we're all happy. Thanks for all your concern, advice, interest, etc. It has made a world of difference.

So- here are a few pics from this last week.
And I can't wait to post the amazing pictures Carrie Ryan took of little Davis a couple weekends ago- they are beautiful. She did a great job.


Every Week is Different

For better or worse...
Last week baby Davis started sleeping consistently through the night (before and after feedings of course) and therefore he was a joy to be around during the day. This week- he can't eat enough- apparently sleeping is for the birds and because he is so tired, he is very fussy.

So I have to remind myself that it will change again, and again, and again.


Week 3

Week 3 has been so great- we're all getting more sleep and feeling much more alive! Baby Davis changes a little each day and that is just so fun to watch. He makes more noise, he is more awake, and he is growing bigger each day. He is still so small though- small enough that we had to buy a teddy bear with a UT sweatshirt on in order for him to have a little shirt for the upcoming championship game. All the real baby clothes were way too big! Anyway- here are some pictures from the last week. Time is seriously flying by...


Baby Blues

Are real and oh my gosh did I have them last week...
I went from feeling like I was as high as a kite- everything was purely euphoric- to feeling so tired, hopeless and well, blue. I've been feeling a million times better this weekend- so thanks for your thoughts and prayers- I appreciate them.

Also- a huge shout out to my mom and Nikki who have been helping us through the sleepless nights- you guys are the best.

Little Davis is doing great- we have his 2 week check up tomorrow so I'm excited to see how much he weighs and all of that good stuff.


Week 2

Here are some pics from week 2...

In Our State of Delirium

Like I said- the first week was amazing and euphoric and also side-splittingly funny. Basically- we had the baby and then the nurses just hand them over to you- without any instructions or guidance- and there you are. So many silly things happened both due to our lack of knowledge with a newborn and our lack of sleep. Davis had some really funny ones...

1) singing christmas carols for hours on end because his voice would get baby Davis to relax and stop fussing
2) singing the whole tune of the happy birthday song with the words "i don't really know the words of this song..." and then me reminding him that it's just the birthday song.
3) asking me my middle name so he could tell the nurses
4) waking up in a complete daze- so much so that he was staring at the nurse and I for about 2 minutes before he heard me say "Davis- turn OFF the phone..."
5) responding to B's question "so how many diapers..." by saying "ahh, how many divers?" with a face that signaled that he thought B was asking him some sort of trivia question.
6) listening to his cousin tell a story about this guy that broke her phone...and then asking "which thumb did he break? are you going to press charges?"
7) and of course, Davis and I both losing control of our bodily functions during an improv game with Courtney and B.

Ahh, memories.



One of the three Bennetts is sleeping well. Guess who?


A Baby Story

So before I lose the details due to lack of sleep and time- I wanted to share a quick overview of how baby Davis came into the world last Saturday.

Last friday night Davis and I decided to go for a long walk...we then went on a date for some spicy mexican food and also shared a slice of ancho fudge pie at ZTejas. It was really a perfect date and looking back- it's so funny to think that we would be headed to the hospital that same night. We had no idea.

Around 3:30 that morning I woke Davis up and basically said "Davis- I don't think this is labor- but my back is hurting so badly- I really can't take it anymore. I need to call the doctor and see if they can at least give me something for the pain." I called the doctor- he asked me how far apart the pain was- to which I said "the pain doesn't really stop- I don't think it's contractions." Either way- he asked me to come in to check things out and I was quite sure that it wasn't real labor and that we would be driving back home an hour later. Davis ran around crazily though, trying to get our things together, and I could tell he was so excited so I kept telling him it was probably nothing becuase I didn't want him to be disappointed...as we drove though, in addition to the constant pain, I started to notice some waves of additional pressure that were about 3-4 minutes apart.

Sure enough- I was in labor. They checked us in, we waited about 2 hours, had some SERIOUS contractions and then got the epidural. Night and day is how different the contractions felt from there on. Around 6:30 my mom and Nikki got there. Around 8:30 Courtney and B got there, and around 10:00, Katie got there. We spent most of the day laughing and talking- and even got Katie and Courtney to do some high school drill team routines in the delivery room. It was a really great day.

Around 2:30/3:00 the doctor came in and said that we could start pushing. The bad news of the day was that my doctor was not there. I was pretty disappointed at first- especially as he is known for coming in on his days off to deliver his patients. The doctor I had was a total dud- he kept making jokes about me finishing in time for the LSU game, and if it wasn't for the amazing nurse- I probably would have been a basket case. I just tried to tell myself that it was what it was and I might as well relax and go with it.

They thought I would only push for a short time- so our friends and family left and we thought we would be done in no time. 2.5 hours later- I was still pushing and it was still just the nurse, Davis and I. Little Davis wouldn't turn his head- so for a while it felt like I was getting nowhere and I was worried they would have me do a c-section. However, we literally pushed through and at 10 till 6:00 p.m. we heard the nurse on the phone, frantically calling the doctor, other nurses, etc. saying "I need a baby catcher!" 5 or 6 people swooped in and then next thing you know, at 6:02 p.m. little Davis was born.

I can't describe the experience in any other way than "out of body". I remember feeling like I was watching the situation from the outside in- and I also remember thinking "this is the most ridiculous idea ever- trying to get a baby out this way..." Then next thing you knew, Davis was telling me how beautiful he was and the nurse plopped his gooey little body right on my chest. Again- it was almost like total shock. I just stared at him and started to cry in happiness and disbelief. It's funny how you can prepare for this for almost a year and yet still when it happens- you are blown away. It was a crazy beautiful moment.

We spent the next 2 days in the hospital and it was both incredibly hard and tiring and frustrating, AND beautifully sweet, intimate, and miraculous. Davis was such a champ- I could not have done all of it without him. He was there for every fuss, every feeding, every everything. He sang to little Davis and he rocked little Davis, and he talked to nonsense to little Davis as we both became more and more delirious.

We've been home a week now and it's all been such a blur- so fast and while we're both so tired it's unbelievable- we are loving it. Every time I pick him up again- I am amazed and excited and in love. All those cliches are true- sappy or not- and I am sure that becoming Davis' parents is the best thing we've ever done.

God is good.
P.S. I will also do a post just listing the ridiculously funny things that we've done or said in the past week because they are priceless, should give you a laugh, and I want to remember them.

Davis and Davis

Big Davis doesn't think that little Davis looks so much like him...to that I say, REALLY? HA!


A Few More Pics

One Week

Today marks Davis' one week birthday! We've had so much fun with him this week- every once in a while big Davis or I will say "I can't believe we get to keep him!" He has been a great baby so far- really only cries when he's hungry and when he gets his diaper changed. Other than that- he sleeps or looks around with wide eyes. He really likes Ray LaMontagne- which makes sense- most of his songs put me to sleep too. He loves it when Davis sings too and you'd be amazed at all the silly songs Davis has come up with- sometimes christmas carols, sometimes the birthday song, sometimes christmas carols lyrics to the birthday song tune. You just never know...

Things are good. :)


The Bennett 3

It's wednesday November 11th, and just 4 days ago, on November 7th, Davis and I added to our wolf pack, Davis Bennett, III (for clarification sake). It's only been four days and I can already tell you it's the hardest thing we've ever done, and/but certainly the best. All the cliches are true- you can't believe you even have the capability to love someone so much, your world changes in an instant, and you feel both totally overwhelmed and like you can't imagine why you waited to long to add such an amazing little person to your family in the first place.

So much to write- but just some pictures for now so I can sneak in a nap today.
Signing off with- thank you friends and family- we seriously have felt so loved, cheered for, and taken care of. And to big Davis- man I thought I loved you before- but I had no idea. :)

Also and p.s. labor stories and more deets to come.