

is what i'm watching- on Palladia. its like a concert in your living room. i sort of wish i could watch me watching her. girl.can.dance. my jaw is just hanging open- and moreso because of her moves than because i can't breathe through my nose. yes this is my friday night. davis is in maine visiting baby lela, and i am holding down the fort. i'm getting a little tired of the back to back traveling (this is the 3rd consecutive week of 5)- but i know that it comes in waves- so i won't dwell on it. at least not in this post.

today was so fun. i had to go into work for a little bit- i'm working on a new business pitch and man the work is good. i am excited about it. after that, and after davis woke up from his nap, i decided to do something new and i took him to the new "my gym" in our neighborhood. the name is lame, but i think it's just like "the little gym". he walked in and went right for the ball pit. at first he just sat very still as though one ball might shift and he might plummet to the bottom of the pit...then he saw a little girl diving around and decided to really go for it. he loved it. we played for about an hour and a half. for $7. awesome. we'll go back for sure and hopefully with friends.

and last night katie and i talked on the phone for almost two hours. i miss her so much. i totally admire how she is handling this move to ohio though- really living it vs. just counting the days until she comes back. i forget how hard i laugh when we talk- she was telling me about this girl she met- her first friend- and how she reminds her of me. she started a sentence with something like "i mean, i know it's early, but..." and i cut her off and was like "what. she's your new best friend? 6 weeks and i'm replaced?" anyway- it was fun and i can't wait for our girl's weekend in june. we decided that it is the first of many ANNUAL trips to come.

and here is a sweet pic of Callie that i just grabbed off her site. have you seen prettier, bigger, blue eyes? boys look out. Ray look out.

i've also been getting ready for carrie's baby sprinkle next weekend. i love having parties- so i'm always on the lookout for cute things to make or do. i think it will be really fun. it's different to focus on all girly things. so fun.

also- tomorrow scottie pendleton is coming into town! i can't wait to see him- we haven't hung out in forever. speaking of laughing hard- bennett and i were reminiscing over scott stories the other day and we were laughing so hard, i was crying. funniest guy ever. so he is coming in to pick up some stuff from his aunt and uncle, and i think we're going to grab dinner and hang out a bit. i can't wait for him to see how big Davis has gotten.

so good stuff going on for sure.
i'm having fun, just entertaining myself, watching beyonce, shopping on etsy, re-doing things here and there in the house, and playing with little man. still can't wait for bennett to be back though.

1 comment:

  1. you are a woman on the move! i love the pictures of callie and davis and i'm waiting to hear how you've been practicing beyonce's choreography...
