

Well, I'm posting a lot because I'm sick and I'm bored. But, there are certainly some things worth recording. So here goes...
1) Davis says HOT now. Touching a knob, grabbing a piece of chicken, getting in the car, it's "Ha? Ha? Ha?" Yes Davis, that is hot.
2) He is running all the time. And breathing heavy. Not because he's out of breath- but because he is just excited and wants us to hear it.
3) He got into Child's Day- yahoo! As of August 22nd, Davis will be joining the Koala class. I'm hoping he'll actually get in earlier, like early to mid-July since Carrie is done in mid-July (which makes me tear up just thinking about it).
4) We got more pictures back from the other Carrie at Sweet Louise, and suffice it to say, while she did an amazing job, I didn't like how I looked in most of them. I am pretty disappointed about it, but still trucking on the weight loss. I've actually changed my goal by 5 pounds, meaning now instead of 10 I have 15 to knock off. I can do it.
5) On the flip side, Bennett's workouts are really paying off- his arms are like pipes. Good for him, when you're that dedicated, you deserve it.
6) I'm going to Hyatt Lost Pines for a night in a few weekends with two of my girlfriends- cannot wait! Will be so nice to relax, drink wine, and sleep in late.
7) Getting my hair done next week and looking forward to it. My normally amazing stylist kind of junked up the color last time- so I'm hoping he can get it back to normal.

Oh vanity. Ha.
That's all for now!

1 comment:

  1. Sam, you are looking so 'ha' right now! I hate when pictures give freeze frames that are less than glamorous - but you should feel amazing because you look so 'ha' and I know you can meet your goal!

    Super excited about the little Koalas! Can't wait to see and hear more about this new little adventure for Davis.

    And how are you feeling? I am so sorry you are sick!
