
Thank You Acura

Yesterday after several great sessions at the conference, I asked the Acura ambassador at the W Hotel to drop me off at Lombard street (the crazy turny street in San Fran). "We don't do Lombard." (This is a drop off service- basically they will take you anywhere within a small area for free in the hopes that you will love the car and purchase an Acura next time you buy.)

Me: Okay, how about Ashbury and Haight? (The iconic corner where so many photos from the "summer of love" were taken, and more importantly, a unique boutique haven.)

Acura guy: We don't do Ashbury and Haight.

Me: Okay- well take me as far as you can and I'll figure it out. Just drop me off somewhere good and I'll get a cab later.

One hour later- we were listening to ZZ Top (because I'm from Texas), we had driven down Lombard Street, taken pictures of Alcatraz, walked on the beach by the Golden Gate bridge, and landed at Ashbury and Haight where I was given a free vegan ice cream cone from Ben and Jerry's. That's what Texas charm will get you.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! And I hear you are killing it with your tweets out there... good work! I hope you found something great on Ashbury & Haight. xoxo n
