
New Words, New Rules

Bennett got home last night- YES!- and he could not get over how much older Davis seems. He's been away so I'm sure it's very obvious, but even I can tell he seems older. He is now saying "Uhh!" (Up), "Dow!" (Down) and "Deees!" (Please) all the time. On top of that- he understands what I am saying a lot better. I can ask him to go get pretty much anything and he'll look around until he finds it, he has started to follow more commands (i know that sounds like a dog- but you know what i mean) and also- we've shared a few laughs lately.

I've always laughed when he is funny or cute, but lately it's more that we are SHARING a laugh. Something will happen and we'll look at each other and giggle. He's actually in on the joke! For example, I sneezed the other day in the car. He thought it was hysterical. Then I faked like I was going to sneeze and I went: AHHHHHH!!!! and then held my mouth closed looking at him like I was going to sneeze any second...but then I didn't. He then copied me, made the sound: AHHH!!! and held his mouth closed, looking at me, before we both broke out in giggles.

As far as new rules go- he's been the worst eater lately. Refuses to eat almost EVERYTHING. It's gotten so bad that lately he has neglected the crown jewel of foods, the chicken nugget. And it has STRESSED me out. You feel bad when you know your baby isn't eating enough.

Anyway- I read up on it- and learned that:
1) it's common- unless they're having growth or development issues, don't stress
2) don't force feed
3) no more snacks until he is eating better meals
4) he's been having too much milk each day, so that has also made him feel full

I forget that he will change and grow and I need to keep up with the facts and stay abreast of his latest needs. It's silly I know it seems obvious.

Another new rule that I sort of mentioned in my last post will be that he has to start going to time out when he is naughty. What? Davis? Naughty? 1) He is his father's son and 2) I have had the realization (after talking with other moms) that they're all pushing the limits and doing things they know they aren't supposed to around this age. And since I want a sweet little boy, he is going to have to sit against the wall for a minute with no toys the next time he does something over and over that he knows is wrong. We'll see how that goes.

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