

Whenever Davis feels bad, he really enjoys being rocked. He has been feeling bad the past two nights, so a few times each night, I've gone in and picked him up, sat in the rocker, and just rocked him until he falls asleep or calms down at least. Last night was no exception, I rocked him for a while, sitting the way we always do- he is facing me, legs on either side of my body, head against my chest, his arms tucked underneath my arms or down by his side.

He likes it when I sing, so I sang "Yellow Moon" and "I'll take your love" by Don Williams along with a little "Edelweiss". I know what you're thinking. Why those songs? Who knows- but I always end up singing them. Anyway- last night I was so tired as this was the second night without much sleep...so rather than keep my head laid back against the chair, I tilted my chin down and rested it lightly on his head.

About two seconds later, I feel Davis' little arm moving. He quickly reached up and pushed my chin back up where it was. I don't know if this comes across as funny via post as it did to me in real life. There we are, relaxing, snuggling, he is comfortable and content, and as I start to relax just a bit- he makes sure I understand that that is not what we do...that is not what he likes. So I giggle a bit. Wait five minutes and do it again. Sure enough- two seconds later I feel his tiny little hand wiggle out from under my arms to push my head back up.

He knows what he likes- and he likes our rocking chair routine.


  1. Awww I love it! So sweet and so so funny!

  2. oooo! i agree with katie - so cute!
    i hope he is feeling better!
