
Weekend in Review

So I had a very long weekend, really. I took Wednesday through Friday off because Carrie was out of town, so I got to spend extra time with Davis. What a week! I can certainly say that being a stay at home mom, while being the best job, is certainly the most tiring. At least when you are talking about watching an independent spitfire of a 16 month old boy. Seriously- he is everywhere. Pushing every limit, rejecting every food I give him, and looking at me ever so sweetly while he continues to do what I've told him not to. Hmmph.

Thursday Porter came over and it was amazing to see them play together. Davis was so excited to have him over and I do think Porter had fun too. The three of us raced up and down the hall until we pretty much fell over. Porter jumped to his heart's content and even got Davis to do a sort of bounce (I think he thought he was jumping though his feet never left the ground). I braved taking them to the neighborhood park- though we only stayed about 15 minutes because it was total CHAOS! They immediately went different directions and began to climb things. Scary. Even getting them both in and out of the car was a trick. When we got back, I let Davis rest a bit in his room because he was so tired and I had a little conversation with Porter about life and politics and his soon to be born baby sister.

Friday we went to San Antonio to see the Rodgers and eat some great mexican food at La Fonda...we then stayed at the Courtyard Marriott because they had an indoor pool. Davis was thrilled about this. We swam that morning- and he grinned from ear to ear the whole time. Following that we went to the zoo. SO much fun! I'll post pictures tomorrow. The first animals we saw were the crazy, squawking pink flamingos. Davis watched, motionless, with his jaw hanging wide open. Next we saw the monkeys- which he said "ooohhhh" and giggled about. Then he slept through the rest of the zoo and Davis and I enjoyed the excitement. I love the zoo- and it was fun to go with my little family.

Yesterday we celebrated my grandma's 80th birthday with brunch at Lambert's. Can't beat that. And today I'm back at work...and really, it feels like relaxing, in comparison. HA!

Side note: New Davis things
1) CAR! CAR! it's what we say every time we see a car or hear a noise.
2) Still talking on the phone all the time (phone could be a diaper, a battery, etc)
3) Really only eating chicken nuggets and sweet potato puree.
4) Climbing up on everything!
5) Really not into holding hands.
6) Sings "Zo, zo, zo" after we singing the Raffi zoo song.
7) Sleeping a ton- like 6:30 pm to 8:30 and 9:00 am. CRAZY!
8) So excited when daddy got home from Denver- cried every time he left the room.
9) Hugged Nikki about 100 times when we saw her the other day at her office.
10) Rejecting daddy and nuzzling head in my shoulder (SO SWEET)
11) Chasing Pico and patting him on the back.
12) Really meaning "thank you" when he says it- he says it with such sincerity and specifically when I give him things he loves like fruit snacks.
13) Pirate's booty beats goldfish.

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