
A Rut

In college, when things were a little rough, Katie would say "You're probably just going through a rut..." I think that is the case right now- specifically as far as how I feel about myself post-baby. I have about 15-20 pounds I still need to lose, so everything feels and looks uncomfortable. I stupidly decided to experiment with my hair at a time when I wasn't feeling amazing about my looks in general- so I'm also currently dealing with a cruddy haircut and color- AND I can't really fix it right now because I've been there three times in the last two months and my hair is feeling a little dry too. UGH.

I suppose many women feel this way after they've had a baby...so I'm trying to balance the fact that this is normal with the fact that that doesn't mean I should accept it or become complacent. So anyway- I've been making an effort to eat healthy, work out, and I start weight watchers tomorrow. I guess as far as the hair goes- unfortunately I just have to wait it out. I'm encouraging myself by saying that this will set me up for a a new chapter in the spring- that things will all come together around the same time and it will be like a fresh new start. And there's nothing I like more than a fresh start. We so rarely have the opportunity for them- so I'm telling myself that I have to create mine. I've been telling myself a lot lately if you can't tell. :)

Anyway- I might begin to post my results each week from WW- simply so I feel even more accountable. I might hate myself for writing this- but oh well. Gotta try something. Gotta keep moving forward...becuase whereever you go- there you are.

P.S. I write this in bold because I am going to be writing a series on cliches on www.w5ran.com which is an amazing site Nikki and a friend recently started. I encourage you to go check it out and submit your thoughts, writing, photography, etc. I had a little snippet featured there yesterday (http://w5ran.com/2010/02/phillip/) and I plan to contribute more moving forward.

There is a section called "Admit One" which is sort of like a lighter version of Post Secret. I just thought of one while writing the above...it goes as follows:

"Sometimes I pretend that I have thousands of followers on my blog...and it makes me feel a little fancy."

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