
On Second Thought

Maybe I'm in a canyon. I just went to WW for my first post-pregnancy session and found I have 30 pounds to lose to get where I want to be. As you can imagine- that is both VERY motivating and VERY overwhelming. Nonetheless, I left feeling really positive about the whole situation...for several reasons:
1) I am really excited that the one session where you can bring your kids is on Friday when I can actually go, and
2) that the teacher for the session is good. She's great, actually. She reminds me so much of my aunt Linda- she looks like her and has the same southern drawl and tell-it-like-it-is mentality.
3) One thing I forgot I loved about WW is the actual group meeting. This one was great. It was small- about 10 people total- and four babies came. Most of the women were older than me- and they just loved seeing all the babies. Anyway- the talk today was about thinking about weight watchers like you do your relationships (marriage and partnerships in particular). Jamie, the teacher likened it to her relationship with her husband and basically looked at the class and said "I'm not gonna lie to you- I could divorce Tony (her husband) just about once a week...and I feel about the same with weight watchers...so I have to remind myself why I fell in love with him 30 years ago and why I first walked through the front door at weight watchers 25 years ago. You've got to remember why you started the relationship in the first place."

Anyway- there was this sweet lady there named Gail- who definitely has a lot of weight to lose. Jamie mentioned aloud that Gail was a perfect example of someone who has come so far- but probably wants to quit. I looked at Gail and thought "well, exactly how far could she have come?" And right about then, Jamie said "Gail- tell them how far you've come..." She smiled sweetly and said she had lost 70 POUNDS. Everyone clapped and her eyes started to well with tears. I'm such a gosh darn softie that my eyes welled up too and I thought to myself "Maybe I've met my new best friends in this group" and then started to picture all of us gathered around my dining room table eating veggies and low fat spinache artichoke dip, exchanging great recipes and sharing stories about our lives...I can really get carried away in the moment.

Anyway- it was great- beyond the simple weight loss aspect of it.

Oh and one more quick story- there was another gal there who also had quite a bit of weight to lose. I looked at her and I wondered how she had gotten to this point- not because I don't understand how it can happen so quickly- but moreso because she was so put together otherwise. Her look was a little dated- but her effort was undeniable. She had amazing feathered back hair, and her makeup was flawless. I pictured her standing in her bathroom, looking into one of those 3 way Clairol mirrors with "city night" and "evening dusk" variables for lighting. Anyway- she was telling us about how frustrated she is that her husband just recently decided to lose weight on an all plant diet and he has already lost 8 pounds. She had lost 1/4 of a pound this week. Jamie responded perfectly by saying "Well, we don't care about him. In fact, we don't even like him. If he is not in this circle- then he is on his own...and good luck!"

Okay so that's all for now.
Thanks for tuning in.

1 comment:

  1. ok, i'll try this again...
    'city night' and 'evening dusk' ...i can't believe you remembered that and then it is just like you to pull out the perfect comic details! you are such a good writer sam, and so many new mom's are in just this position of post-birth baby weight... think julie from julie and julia and spread your inspiration!
