
The Bennett Charm

is already in full effect. Apparently Davis has picked up on flirting, playing coy, being a ladies man. This weekend while shopping at the mall, I was holding Davis when Nikki came up close to him, smiled and said "Hi Davis..." He grinned so big, stared, and then quickly turned his head away and buried it in my shoulder. It was like he was so excited he just couldn't take it anymore. I thought it was a fluke because no way can a 3.5 month old baby pick up on this social interaction, but he did it over and over. It's so adorable, first of all, and so exciting to see him actually interact like a little person.

He loves his aunt Nikki.

1 comment:

  1. and his aunt nikki loves him, too! not that i'm charmed into thinking he's only got eyes for me or anything - the flirt flashes the same coy smile to his mom and his grandmother! oh how young they learn things these days, *wink...!
