
In a Nutshell...

This week was CRAZY. Big Davis and I have been sick the past two weeks and then, sadly, little Davis got sick on Monday and his fever was so high we had to take him to the ER. Poor little guy was poked and prodded in ways I am glad he will forget. He was fine- just had a viral infection- but it was incredibly scary and sad. That was Monday and he is just now getting back to himself.

Other than that I realized I haven't been tracking the things he's been doing lately- so here's a short list.
1) he started sleeping through the night a couple weeks ago- which is AWESOME!
2) he grabs everything he can reach- he's like the claw game at Pizza Hut and HEB where his little arm comes down- he reaches around- and about 2 out of 10 times he makes contact and gets a good grasp
3) he is rolling from stomach to back
4) he babbles a ton
5) he smiles more and more

And here are some pics!
P.S. down two pounds this week!


  1. He is so incredibly cute!!!!!! I love him in his overalls! I am so happy that the Bennett bunch is back in action! What a scary few days!!!

  2. he looks so cute and happy in those overall pictures!
    and i love the claw game analogy, sam. nice work.

  3. Speaking of pounds, you forgot to mention that the little beast weighs just over 16 lbs, at a little more than 3 months old. That puts him right around 90th percentile for his age group.

    He's got linebacker written all over him.
