
A Workout for the Soul

I had a one-on-one workout with Ahmad last night because Stacey was in Vegas boozing while we were supposed to be pumping iron. I usually talk the entire workout and purposefully try to crack Ahmad up just so he isn't too incredibly rigorous. HA.

Yesterday, I didn't have much to say. Mainly because I had too much on my mind. So Ahmad kept asking what was up and I told him. Told him I was struggling in making some decisions or worrying that I'm doing the right thing for my family and for me...and he listened. And then he told me two really smart things. One about himself, and one that I think is just incredibly important to remember.

He said "Sam. You know when it clicked for me- when I realized you couldn't worry about things? When my mom, my grandmother, and my aunt passed. All of the sudden, I had nothing. And no one. And I realized 'things are gonna happen'".

And I thought "No kidding. No kidding." I mean what else do you say or think?

And then we talked some more and he kept saying "But Sam, things are already in motion. What are you worrying about?" So I kept trying to justify why I worry even though he couldn't have made a more clear and relevant point previously...

Then finally he said "You know what it is? You know what it is, Sam? (he gets really excited about things) The truth. That's what it is. You gotta remember the truth. All you can do is your best and make the best choices you can make and keep with the truth. When you get right with the truth- you don't have to worry about anything."

And what he meant was- do your best. have good intentions. make the best decisions you can make. stick with what you know is your truth and anything that falls outside the truth can just lay there on the floor- because it doesn't matter.

How smart is that guy? How lucky am I to be connected with great people, even in funny places, like at the gym?

Today- I will say- was a downer at work. I get really unmotivated by unkind people. I'll just leave it at that. Assume the best in people. And treat them with care. Because it doesn't matter who you are- everyone counts the same.

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