
Zumba Fever

Tonight I happened into the gym right at 6:45, walking slowly, kicking the ground because I forgot my earphones and I wasn't meeting Stacey, so I knew how boring the workout was going to be. As I stomped my way over to the treadmill, I noticed a class beginning off to the side. It was packed. Thought I might just check it out, and as I walked in, the latin beat started pumping. ZUMBA. So why not?

I found a tiny spot in the back...and had maybe the best (most fun) workout I've had in a while. The music was great, the teacher was latina and super impressive, and OH MY GOSH, the people watching was second to none. I love how one thing you can bet on is that there is always that girl that got there early to make sure she had a front row spot so she could watch herself dance. I admire this, really I do, because about the last thing I ever want to do is watch myself dance and sweat. Anyway- the girl in my class, lets call her Raquel, was wearing black tight pants and a lime green tank...and I could not stop watching her. She didn't have a perfect body, and I'm not judging, neither do I. But you would have never guessed it because girlfriend was making love to herself in the mirror to the latin beat. She for sure was pretending she was the second instructor- and she sort of was- I could barely see the real instructor at times- so I just watched this lady in lime green.

And there were so many different people in this class. Thin asian girls, a few guys, some fit ladies, some ladies maybe in the 250-300 pound range...and the best thing was that regardless of who they were and what they looked like, they were going to town during that class. It went from sweaty 24 hour fitness classroom to night club in about 30 seconds. I sort of got into it too. I mean most of the time I was just trying to keep up- but when I would get in a groove- I was for sure channeling my inner Gloria Estefan circa 1985. It was fun. It might be my new thing. I might have zumba fever.

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