
6 years and counting!

Yesterday was our sixth anniversary. It was a great day. We had breakfast together, took turns relaxing at the pool while Davis slept, went to a 2nd birthday petting zoo party, and then went out to dinner at Congress, downtown. It was fun to get dressed up and go somewhere we haven't tried before. So on the way there- Davis handed me a present and I opened it and was SO SURPRISED. He gave me the most beautiful watch I have ever seen. I seriously couldn't believe it. I was so excited and just kept looking at it all through dinner. He made me feel so special. I loved thinking of him picking it out- looking at all the options- and picking that one especially for me. He is the best.

After dinner we went to Clive for some drinks. It is a cute little bar in downtown Austin- housed in a renovated old home. We drank wine and talked and had a blast. Brooke and JG met us and bought us anniversary shots. Yikes. Been feeling those all day- but you know- life is short. Gotta celebrate good times. We had a really good time. I'm so thankful that after six years- we are just having more and more fun together. I love Davis so much, he is my best friend, and I very often think "I can't believe this is what its like to be grown-ups, to be parents...it's so much fun."

Very blessed!
Oh and I also get to see Katie this weekend. Our long awaited Horseshoe Bay girls weekend is finally upon us. CANNOT WAIT.

1 comment:

  1. you two look so beautiful and happy - I love this picture and I love your dress! hooray for 6 years and counting! the two of you are such a shining inspiration - i admire the way you love each other, the way you laugh together, even the way you fight and lay it all out there. i feel lucky that davis is in our family and i cheer for the way he loves you. you two are the best. well, the best if you don't count your 3rd wheel. he's pretty much the best of you both. xoxoxox and congratulations!
