
Beach Time

We just got back from Port A for my mom's birthday. We had a great time. I was reminded on this trip how awesome my little boy is. He was such a trooper on the way there- didn't cry or fuss the entire time, though I know it helped that he had a backseat-mate in my mom. She sat down and he said "HIYEE!" like "oh well this is so much more fun..." Poor guy also was so sweet and fun the whole weekend even though he ended up with some MAJOR diaper rash. I have never seen anything so bad- I felt horrible. We took him to the doctor this morning- it's that bad.

I feel like he has really changed SO MUCH in the last couple weeks. He's so easy going and loves to play by himself, he listens better, his vocabulary and mannerisms are growing and changing like CRAZY. I love that he is so brave and sort of like a little tank- but also so sweet. Last night we were letting him run around butt naked after a bath- and he felt like he was just having the time of his life- so much so that he kept going back and forth between Bennett and I, puckering up his lips and kissing us each on the lips. He was just so happy.

He has a real sneaky approach to things now too. He waits till you turn around and then sneaks up on your computer and pounces- smashing all the keys and then giggles his brains out when you turn around and bust him.

He LOVED the beach. We set him down in the sand and he just ran like a crazy man toward the ocean- up to his knees- giggling the whole way. He just HATED the seaweed though- it made him nuts every time one would float his way- which happened A LOT.

He is such a great little boy. I adore him. Here is a quick list of newish things.
1) says "kite"
2) says "Hiyee!" in a way that makes me wonder if that's how I say it?
3) shakes his head for "no"
4) is really in a daddy phase- says "DA-ee?" so much and giggles at him like no other
5) knows where his belly and his nose are- lifts his shirt up and crinkles his nose
6) knows the word "snack"
7) imitates doggies- woof woof
8) is terrified of the sound of the lawn mower
9) kisses a ton but has forgotten what hugging is
10) taps his foot to the beat of music, or just in general (SO CUTE!)

So, we took lots of great pictures and I will post them soon.

1 comment:

  1. Deee-a, Deee-a, Deee-a!
    I couldn't love him more! I got so spoiled this weekend, spending 3 + days with him, that I miss him like crazy today!
