
Pop Ups

A few little notes about this week.
1) Davis must miss the beach. He is so whiney and complainey in a way we have never seen before. Not sure what his deal is. I think maybe he misses vacation. I do too.

2) Yesterday Carrie (nanny) sent me the sweetest text saying that Davis was going to be so excited to see me after work because he had been saying "Mamamamama" for the last hour. Made my heart sing.

3) Last night- after about 30 minutes worth of non-stop whining about anything and everything...I got out the pop up books my grandmother and Alan gave Davis at Christmas time. He sat on my lap- cuddled up- for at least 45 minutes...which has NEVER happened. It was pretty fun.

4) Today was either my worst or second worst measurement day with Ahmad. Ugh. Back on the wagon.

5) I am speaking at our agency meeting on Monday. Pretty exciting- my first really big speaking thing...500 people. Zoinks.

6) Last night, Bennett and I had our quarterly Bennett family meeting, which in this incident took place at Torchy's. (Yes, I realize maybe this is part of the measurement problem.) It was great. We joke about it like it's a business meeting- but honestly it makes a lot of sense to do something like this, I think. At the beginning of the year, or just before, we outline our goals for the year- everything from personal to family to financial...and then about once a quarter we check in. It's a good way to both stay on the same page and hear how each other is feeling about things- and also a good way to gauge success.

7) This Saturday is our 6 year anniversary. Yahoo! Pretty crazy. Sort of feels about right- the amount of time, that is. I am excited to celebrate. It's crazier that we have now been together for 10 years. We've seen each other grow up.

8) I found a teen parent mentorship organization to volunteer with. I am ridiculously excited about it. I have such a passion for helping teen moms- simply because I think it's been hard becoming a mom for me- and it was planned, I've had help, a job, financial resources, not to mention I'm 30...so I can't imagine how hard it is for a teenage girl. Except that I obsessively watch Teen Mom...so I sort of get the idea. Who says reality TV can't inspire good things? NOT ME. I'm pumped. I hope they accept me. :)

And I guess that's about it. I know it's funny to only list 8 things rather than 10- or at least it seems funny to me...but it is what it is. :) More later.

More pictures later too- we have beach pics but I just can't find my battery charger. It's driving me bonkers. I'll either find it tonight or buy a new one. I didn't used to lose things all the time.

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