
Funny Guy

So Davis has quite the personality these days...and lately when he does something a little over the line, I'll look at him with a serious face, stick out my finger and say "WHYIOUGHTTA..." he thinks this is hysterical. Laughs his brains out and then tries to say it himself which sounds mainly like "IIOUGHTTA".

When he has something he knows he isn't supposed to have he'll say "NONONO..." and run my way to give it to me. Which is great. UNLESS it's something he really wants that he isn't supposed to have, in which case, he runs my diretion, then right before he gets to me, he veers left or right and laughs his head off.

He also has stopped saying "Dow! Dow?" so much and now says "Dowm?" which I think is adorable. So much so that I say it too- just to encourage him.

Yesterday he received a package in the mail from Nikki- and inside was a broom set just his size. I wasn't there- but both Carrie and Bennett said he did the very low "OOOHhhhh!!!" which means he totally loved it. He scooted it around all of last night. And then realized that the box actually made for a good car. Bennett pushed him around the floor so fast and he had the biggest grin on his little face.

Also, yesterday we took him on a walk in his wagon and he kept humming to himself. Bennett and I were like "that sounds like the Barney song..." but thought no way. Though he loves it, we don't watch it that often. This morning Carrie told me she has been putting Barney on in the morning- and he just LOVES it. He claps when it comes on and hums that song. So crazy. That Barney.

Also last night he couldn't stop kissing me. Mouth open. Teeth out. It was so funny because every time he kisses he does a long "mmmmm" sound with it- so it sounded like he was really going to town. Which he was. I'll take it.

He is a silly billy. I can already tell he is going to be the funny guy. The life of the party, but with a very serious, sweet and sensitive side too.

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