
Horseshoe Bay and Father's Day

The weekend finally got here! Katie, Kim and I went to Horseshoe Bay for the weekend and had the best time relaxing in the sun, drinking pina coladas and catching up. The resort was gorgeous- we had such good food and felt like we were in another state- but the best part was the talking. It's always good to catch up in person after long periods of time. We talked the entire time. It was awesome.

Before we left on Friday I took Davis to Cool Kuts for Kids. I wanted him to get to ride in the fire engine, watch Barney and eat Dum Dums. He thought it was pretty great, really. Kept looking at me like "Seriously, I get to eat this?" Then the bossy lady chopped his hair off. Not what I asked for- but he does look cute. He looked so old I almost cried. It's nice for summer though- and hair grows. He is doing some new things these days.

1) All of the sudden he is the music man. He sings and mimics everything he hears. I know this is such a mom thing to say, but I'm really impressed with what he picks up musically. Last night we were watching "The Voice" and he started humming the tune of a song after hearing it for the first time.

2) Also he is starting to dance. Mainly he squats low and goes back and forth on his feet while clapping...but last night the music on The Voice moved him so much he started stomping his little feet so fast and he looked down at them like they were moving on their own. It was so cute.

3) He has picked up on sympathy. Carrie taught him "oww" and now every time he gets the slightest injury (seriously, could be as small as swiping the wall as he walks by) he says "Oww...." and walks over to you, waiting for the acknowledgment and a kiss, hug or something.

4) He is obsessed with daddy. Da ee? Da ee? All the time- which is perfect timing for father's day. Any time he picks something up that is daddy's and you tell him- he thinks it's ten times as cool and says about 100 times Da ee. Da ee.

5) He's real dramatic. Usually well-behaved for about 90% of the day, but occasionally will throw himself to the floor so dramatically when he is upset. He visited Time Out three times yesterday. He is really pushing the limits these days and Time Out is better than him getting his little finger jammed in a socket.

6) He broke the lid to the toilet while I was gone this weekend. Yep- the super heavy porcelain top. Same size and weight as he is, probably. Pretty impressive. That one was on daddy's watch. Again in perfect time for father's day because who can give someone heat when it's father's day?

Another cute thing about Bennett that I want to remember...Before I left, I asked him what he thought he and Davis would do this weekend while I was gone. He paused and said "Ummm, I think I might take him to see Cars 2." a) how sweet is that? Davis is obsessed with cars- and all the Cars 2 commercials make him so happy, so I thought it was so sweet, but b) Davis barely makes it through the :15 commercials, so I just thought it was awesome trying to picture Bennett taking him to a two hour movie.

Here are some pictures of haircuts and horseshoe bay...but one quick note to Bennett.
Thank you for being the most amazing dad to Davis. He is so lucky to have you- and I feel blessed to get to watch such a neat father/son relationship in the works.

You are the best.

1 comment:

  1. Such a cutie pie! And good for you for having a weekend to catch up with your friends and take a breather from the day-to-day! My parents and I lived in Horseshoe off and on throughout many years--it's dear to my heart! So glad you experienced its beauty and peace.
