

So Davis has been acknowleding Davis and I for a long time, saying Da-ee and "mommommommommom" when he misses me or sees me or whatever the case may be. But last night was the first night he really addressed me directly as "momma". I was in the kitchen, getting his dinner ready, and all of the sudden I heard this sweet, but very direct and a little abrupt "Momma!" I turned around and he was standing on our chair. He wanted me to look at him- so he called to me. I get it- no big deal to anyone else- but a big deal to me. And he wanted me to look because he KNEW he wasn't supposed to be doing that.

Then last night as I was rocking him to sleep, he had his head on my chest, tucked under my chin. All of the sudden he said "Momma?" looked up, and just stared at me. I said "Yep. You got it."

Such sweet memories.

1 comment:

  1. that is amazing, sam. and so smart of him on lots of levels - looking for your attention, looking for your to confirm that he shouldn't be on the chair (which is equivalent to the first point, too i suppose) and then confirming that the word momma was the right one. super sweet! i love you guys, n
