
Trying to Keep Up

For Goodness Sakes! I know, I'm so behind and all my blogs have been so text-heavy which I fear no one enjoys other than me...but I have a million photos to look through, archive, and post to this blog. Starting back with Santa Baaaarbara. But now is not the time for dwelling on the past- this is 1-1-11. It's the first day of the year, God bless us all, so I'm just going to hit the high notes of the past few weeks and then I'll come back with more details (AND YES PHOTOS, MOM) soon.

Pre Christmas:
Took Davis to Zilker and met the Ryans for a picnic lunch!

Christmas Eve/Christmas:
Had the whole family to our house- went to the kid-friendly church service at Grace and had Davis wear an adorable plaid shirt with a little navy sweater vest. So dapper.

Christmas day- so many presents for goodness sakes- made me feel a little overwhelmed and I think next year I'll suggest we limit it or find a way to give to people that need things far more than we do. Though I loved everything Nikki, Mom, Davis, so thank you! A few of my favorite things were Old Gringo COWBOY BOOTS from Davis that i have lusted after for years...two amazing lights from red made of record albums, and from Nikki an amazing crimson cowl. Little Davis had a great christmas too- Honey gave him a vintage little stand up piano- just his size. He loved it. He also got some adorable little man clothes from Nikki and great books from Tony and my grandrents.

Some of my favorite gifts I gave people include: Davis: The Whole Hog class with Dai Due butchery and organic farm. He will be spending a whole day learning to butcher and prepare a whole hog. crazy, huh? My mom: new TV and great overnight bag from Stag. Nanny: a fab sweater from Nordstrom that she would never buy herself plus a cute little gray shirt with a built-in necklace to go underneath.

Tony wowed us all with his thoughtful gift giving and wrapping abilities...seriously, my mom oohed and aahed and I could tell he was winning her over present by present- mainly because they were so thoughtful for Nikki.

Post Christmas:
We have just lazed about and enjoyed ourselves to the max. We've napped whenever Davis napped. We've watched movies every night. We've gone to Phil's to play on the playground and have mini burgers 2-3 times, and we've tried to work out enough to cancel out all those mini burgers, for goodness sakes. Oh and we also fit karaoke in again- so fun I missed my 6 am workout the next morning. I told Ahmad that I made up for it in dancing like crazy at the karaoke bar. He was not impressed.

New Year's Eve:
Phils with the Ryans and the Hamblens. So fun to see the three boys at all different ages...and then a party at Tony's that he and Nikki threw. Some really fun characters there.

And now New Year's: yahoo!
I usually dread January and February- they're just so dreary and it's so long until the holidays come again so they feel a bit wanting. BUT- I'm excited for a fresh new year...and excited about the goals I have for myself, as well as the goals and plans we outlined during our Bennett family meeting last week.

Okay that's all for now- I'm exhausted just thinking about the opportunities within a whole new year.

Like I said, I promise more pics and more details this week.

1 comment:

  1. i am so grateful for your blog, Sam. i like to read the world through your eyes and i am so glad that things like this christmas are captured and written somewhere for safekeeping. i loved this holiday with all of us together: honey, little davis, big davis and tony and you and me. little davis is so cute i want a larger than life ongoing movie of him on my walls going 24-7. what a great new year ahead! thanks for keeping track of 2010 for posterity! xoxo
