
Sharing our Story

We've been talking about joining our church for about 5 of the 7 years we've been going there. It's am amazing church- so welcoming, so laid back, so free of judgement, so honest. Its exactly what I needed after leaving Baylor, questioning my faith altogether, and I think Davis would say that it's very unlike what he expected church to be like. It's not about hellfire and brimstone. It's about hope and joy, and mainly love.

Anyway- last October we did the blitz membership class. We met for four hours, learned about the church, and were able to ask any questions. It was amazing- both because we learned a lot and because a woman in the class awkwardly claimed that many of her friends believe she is an angel of God. Anyway- that's neither here nor there. There are two parts in joining the church- the class- and then sharing your story with an elder. Today, we finally shared our story with a group at church. We both were pretty apprehensive- I mean while we're certainly believers- there are also so many things we struggle with and haven't figured out. So it was a little bit like "Umm, are we going to pass?" And "Geez, I hope this doesn't go poorly or we don't get a different view of the church that causes us to have to reconsider being there."

So we showed up at 9:15. We had little Davis in tow- which was awkward- but we didn't feel right taking him to sunday school since he has had a fever this weekend. We met with two really cool people that have spent half of their lives doing mission work in Costa Rica...and we shared where we were coming from.

And we put it all out there. Our questions, our hesitancies about certain things...and we were met with such great response. When he asked the question "Well, who do you have to help you with those questions..." I knew we were in the right place.

So I think we passed- ha! I mean I hope we did. I'm not really quite sure if we're done and that's just how it goes or what because we had to leave early due to little D. But regardless, it felt really good and I'm excited about what is to come- most specifically having Davis dedicated this spring.

Anyway. Amen. :)

1 comment:

  1. "well, who do you have to help you with those questions..." it makes me teary thinking about that response, it's so good and spot on for what we all can only hope places of worship, community and quest would be about. sounds like you are in a really great place for your family and i am excited for you. yahoo for a davis-dedication on the way! xoxo n
