
Unswaddle Me

We had such a great time in Houston this weekend- got to spend time with Jodie and Duane, all their kiddos, and we got to see Mason perform in a musical. She was great and the musical, in general, was amazing. Little Davis had a rough time, I am guessing because of his shots. None of us got much sleep Saturday night and that made me really nervous to go into last night, knowing that we were going to begin the unswaddling process, and limit the nighttime feedings.

However, I think the little guy was ready for it. He did wake up a few times and seemed pretty confused/upset about why he was so free in his crib, but he went back to sleep arguably more quickly than he did before when we swaddled him. I tricked him a little bit by simply taking a light blanket and loosely tucking it around his body. He could have easily gotten out- but I think he liked the feeling of it. He ate once at 4:30 a.m. and was happy as a clam when he woke up at 6:15.

P.S. I didn't get to go to WW yet- had his appt Friday morning and left for Houston on Saturday. I'd like to go today- but if that doesn't happen- I will probably just postpone until Friday. Here is hoping...ugh I am so annoyed with how long it is taking/is going to take to lose all this weight. I feel like such a dud. The truth is- I'm trying to position this as a challenge of my character. If I can't feel happy because of something as stupid as extra weight- then I'm not really joyful in the first place- and I need to work on that...do some character-building.

Ugh. Character building? My effort to fool myself is very transparent.

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