

So as mentioned, baby Davis was sick. With a crazy high fever. And we went to the doctor and then waited it out per her recommendation. And it was a very long and very tiring weekend- the opposite of what weekends should be. And I was disappointed because all I want to do on the weekends is play with little D and feel footloose and fancy free. Anyway...to the point...on Sunday his fever broke and we all cheered and looked forward to a good night of sleep. But alas, no good sleep was to be found. Instead, he cried and woke up almost every hour. And so we woke up (and some of us cried) every hour too.

He wouldn't take his bottle- and he wouldn't sleep. Both things very out of character. And the same thing happened Monday night- more waking, more crying, all around. And I worried that something was wrong that we had not detected. Did he have a stomach problem? Did I give him too much Tylenol? Was he teething? So big Davis took little Davis back to the doctor...and she said "He is totally healthy. Don't let him keep you up at night." (Basically)

So last night- I was like "Listen Mister. The buck stops here. You're going to eat this bottle, you're going to lay down and go to sleep and you're going to like it."

And he, if he could speak, basically said "Oh really lady? Things have changed around here and I'm starting to realize that I don't really HAVE to do the things you want me to. I don't have to lie nicely in your arms while you feed me at night, and I don't have to fall asleep quietly in under five minutes. I can stretch it out. I have staying power. I can go all night long, sister."

We stared each other down.

And in a moment of weakness, I started to second guess myself. Davis doesn't cry without reason, I thought. Maybe I'm off here. Maybe he wants to be rocked? NO? Okay, maybe he wants to play more- it is pretty early? NO? Maybe he really is hungry? NO?

And then I found my resolve. I realized that little Davis was testing me.

I laid him down. He cried. I decided I would give it 30 minutes before I went in there. Come hell or high water or just tons more screaming...I would wait.

And I only had to wait 8 minutes. And he was out...until about 11:30 when I forgot and slammed the back door when letting Pico in. He cried again. And I let him cry himself back to sleep. And then at 6:15 this morning- we went in to check on him- and while he did give us this look of "OHHH, so now you want to be my friend?" he was alive and well!

Anyway- a very long-winded way of telling you that he is smart and figuring things out. And it's both incredibly exciting and a little tiring. BUT- another thing he figured out- splashing in the tub. It's so funny. He loves it.

Thanks for tuning in.


  1. i love your descriptions! in them i can see you and little davis in a dusty saloon lined street with not guns but bottles and sleep inducing pacifiers ready at the hip... little davis admittedly looking pretty cute in his red guayabera shirt and tooled leather bottoms... with smiles sneaking on to both of your faces!

    so cute. i love you guys.

  2. i've always believed that babies are smarter than we give them credit for. it is a battle of wills from here to 22. don't back down! kiss that munchkin for me!
    love you.
