

Heaven must be like getting 12 hours of sleep after 4 months of getting roughly 6-8 interrupted hours each night. I know, I know...this might last only one night, but I am reveling in the refreshing feeling that good sleep provides and man, I am so proud of him, you'd think he was running for president or something.

Funny story- he started fussing around midnight last night- and he wasn't really awake, his eyes were closed, but his arms were flailing around (seriously- they operate on their own) so Davis went in to check on him. He came back in about 15 minutes later and I was like "What happened? What did you do? How did you get him to keep sleeping?" He goes "I just pinned his arms down to his side until he fell asleep..."

The moral of the story is- I think he was ready to be out of the swaddle. And though it's taking him a little time to adjust- he's sleeping better because of it.

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