

Went in for my 35 week appointment today- which begins the weekly visits for me. It was pretty uneventful- but I learned that my blood pressure is good, I gained two pounds (which I can deal with- and which puts me at needing to lose the 26 I've gained being pregnant plus the 10 extra I was carrying right before being pregnant- and I think that's doable), his heartbeat is right on target and I need to drink more water and eat more bananas.

Next week is the big visit with the doctor where I get checked for all sorts of stuff. In addition to checking the size of the baby and predicting what he will weigh when he's born- they check his position, my cervix and my tailbone. I've decided the following:
- I'd like to have him the normal way if possible (with drugs, natch)
- But I'm not afraid of or against a c-section if that will keep me from breaking my tailbone again in delivery and having to sit on a donut for 6 weeks. No thank you.

May be more than you want to know- but while this blog is to share things with others- it's also to document things- so I'm trying to keep a good balance.

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