
A Good Day

I woke up this morning and met Stacey at the gym- we had to reschedule our Tuesday workout to today this week. Davis and Davis brought me up there so Ahmad and Stacey could see little D. It was nice and chilly this morning- so he looked so cute in his little railroad striped pants and green fleece vest.

Today was measurement day...
Usually I have a feeling of how it's going to go- today I really felt it could go either way. I wasn't feeling especially heavy, but at the same time, with guests in town from Maine, we've been eating a lot of mexican food. Anyway- I was pleased to see I lost three pounds! Ahmad was like "You're there- your body is ready to shed the weight..." so I was excited about that.

Then I went home and all three of us took a nap. It was AMAZING!

After the nap, I played with Davis a bit, and then went up to the mall for a while. I have a couple business trips coming up- and as I don't usually have to wear true business clothes- I had to go get some. It was already packed at the mall- and while that drives some people crazy- I sort of love it. Gets me in the christmas spirit.

After that, the three of us went for a long walk, me holding Pico's leash and Bennett pulling Davis in the wagon. It was so nice and cool today- a perfect day to be outside.

Oh, and I've taught Davis to hug. Stuffed animals at least. One day I picked up this little UT teddy bear, and just for fun, I snuggled it up to my neck and start saying things like "mmm, so nice. it's so nice to hug. oooh..." Davis watched me closely. I did it a couple times and then I held it out to him. He grinned so big, tucked the bear up to his neck and mimicked my sounds. It's adorable to watch. I'll catch it on video.

Anyway- it was a good, no a great day. Sometimes the simple things, like a nap in flannel sheets after a hard workout, a couple hours to yourself at the mall, and a long walk are the best things!

1 comment:

  1. I have been burning a candle at both ends and am just catching up on these posts - I can't wait to see the hugs, he is a little sponge right now, isn't he? and CONGRATULATIONS on the 3 pounds down! SUPER-GREAT! xoxoxo and I love the new background, too!
