
A Few Quick Things...

I swear the mustache bash pics are coming- but in the meantime- a few quick things that Davis is doing lately. It's been a while since I've done this.

1) He is walking everywhere. And now carrying things, leaning over to pick things up, wedging himself in between things and more. Yesterday he had his first face plant- and I was waiting for the tears- but he just sort of let out a little yelp and then got back up. He has taken a few falls against his toy trunk though and has a bruise on his chin to show for it.

2) He's completely converted to whole milk. I forgot how white and opaque whole milk is. It kind of grosses me out.

3) This week we're trying to get him to use a sippy cup 100% instead of a bottle which actually makes me feel a little sad. Babies use bottles. Little boys use sippy cups. :(

4) He still LOVES books. He has gotten a lot of new ones lately- which is great- and he loves them. His favorite though is still "Super Fly Guy". I think there are several reasons for this: a) it has a super shiny gold cover, b) it has a crazy looking fly in it and c) we all say "BUZZZZZZ" when we look at it with him.

5) His favorite real foods are: waffles, chicken nuggets and yogurt. He still eats some baby foods, but he is not adopting many other real foods, which is rough.

6) He giggles and grins all the time- which I still can't believe.

7) He loves to take baths- I still can't get him to stay seated. Ugh. And his latest fixation is trying to turn the knobs. He is going to get a hot or cold surprise one of these days. YIKES!

8)He shouts and smiles each time I pick him up at the end of the day!

9)He LOVES Honey. Smiles and giggles whenever she comes around.

10) Unfortunately, he's doing a lot of shrieking again. Ugh.

11) He gets a little overwhelmed in big parties and crowds. At his party he had to go inside and relax a little bit, a couple different times.

12) Also at his party, he zombie followed Porter, trying to get as close to him as possible. It freaked P out a little but it was so cute.

More later!

1 comment:

  1. i love this list and i love little davis! i love his little babble-talks and i said 'he's one year old' for the first time yesterday to a lady who asked about him in the elevator at nordstrom's. fun! xoxo
