
Work in Progress

Went to the gym today for my 3rd measuring/weighing session since beginning in June. Didn't do as well as I had hoped- but I sort of anticipated that to be honest. I lost a pound- so I am headed in the right direction- but with all the hard work- that doesn't feel like so much.

But- I am a work in progress...on many levels...and I am okay with that. I refocused, realized that I will do even better now that my summer weekend vacays are over (specifically boozing at the beach) and things will slow down. It's really about what you put in your mouth, so I'm going to re-focus on that in addition to all the working out.

I don't know if it sounds like I am obsessing over fitness or weight or whatever...but truly, though I have a ways to go, I feel better about myself than I have in a long time because I'm committed to something for ME. So yes I'm re-focusing and I do expect to see a significant change in the next four weeks- but honestly I am enjoying the journey, which for me is saying a lot because I'm mainly always trying to just get somewhere already.

Last night, Davis woke up around 10:30, pretty upset. Laura mentioned yesterday that he had his hands in his mouth a lot, and I think that she might be right and he might be getting another tooth...anyway, I was rocking him, and he kept trying to get comfortable and stretch out. When he finally got situated, he was lying straight out and his head was in the crook of my arm, his legs dangling around my knees. He is so big. He is not really a baby anymore, but a little boy. And I realize how much things have changed in the last year.

Certainly I have learned more in the last year or so than in many other years combined. Physically, emotionally, mentally- I don't even feel like the same person I was a year ago. And all for the better, really.

Okay- well this post is getting long and I know what my mom is thinking..."umm...where are the pictures of Davis?" so I'll sign off and promise to take some pics and post them this weekend.

Yay! I'm excited to spend time with Katie and have dinner with Jodie this weekend! Friends that are really actually family are the best.

1 comment:

  1. you are an amazing work in progress! i am inspired by you and mainly happy that you are finding something that is yours and that makes you feel so great. you 3 have come so far in so little time. it's easiest to see on little davis because he is 'growing like a weed' (nod to Jim Egli!) but i know you and davis are stretching and finding new legs in this part of your lives as well. it's so good to see you guys on the move! love, n
