

he is back to sleeping straight through the night again. who would have EVER thought i would be a little sad about that? i guess this is a preview of many things to come- wanting something that is best for him even if you have to give up something you want for yourself. ho hum.

also, stacey and i measured and weighed in with ahmad again this morning.
- lost 2 pounds overall on the scale
- lost 2% body fat
- gained a pound of muscle
- lost millimeters around my back and biceps

at this point- he is splitting our workouts- stacey needs to build muscle and i am focusing on cardio and fat burning. i picture cardio as treadmill or elliptical and that is part of it- but i found out this morning that it's also doing lighter weights faster and in more repetitions. also doing lots of quick feet things. so hard. so tired. so sore.

the thing is- now that i know what percentage of my body is fat- i cannot quit doing these workouts. it really grosses me out. i have to change my body composition. and for the first time- i really love working out so hard. i've always liked to run- but this is so different.

anyway- things are going well.

1 comment:

  1. congrats, congrats - 2lbs and 2%, muscle gained and millimeters lost - stellar stats, Sam! not to mention how terrific you look: i've always been jealous of your great-legs genes and now i'm just plain green (and super excited for you!) xoxo
