
No Really, Who is this Kid?

A list of new happenings that make me wonder: where is my baby and really, who is this kid?

- It's seriously gotten to the point where I am WRESTLING Davis each time I try to change his diaper. I always remind him during these times that I am bigger- I'm going to win...but honestly, sometimes, I think he might trick me with a quick swivel kick and be footloose and diaper-free.

- He is eating everything in sight. He spent a lot of time with Porter this weekend, and Porter is 15 months so he has a whole range of things he can eat. Davis can now eat almost whatever Porter can eat...including Fritos. No, giving Davis Fritos is not going to be a habit, but when he had already gone through all the puffs and cheerios on the beach on Saturday and was still grunting for more, we broke off some pieces of fritos. He LOVED them. Like father, like son, I guess.

- He clearly has a real penchant for salt considering his love of Fritos, but also he ate a lot of sand this past weekend. I figured he would do it once and then get pretty upset over the gritty sandy granules all over in and around his mouth...nope. He continued to try to shovel handfuls in- so my day was spent deflecting his little grubby fistfuls of sand.

- He reaches for our drinks now and really loves drinking from a water bottle. Most of it spills down his chest, but I think he likes the rush of cold water. He's also toying with the idea of a sippy cup.

- He is pulling up on everything. This morning I walked in to Davis standing on both feet, gripping the crib, and sort of leaning over the rail. We're going to have to lower that thing tonight.

- He reaches up all the time- wanting me to pick him up.

- And while he's still incredibly independent- I finally think he might realize I am his mom or some relation to him. When I handed him to Laura on Tuesday, he reached back for me. Its debatable whether it was really me or my necklace, but I will choose to believe it was me.

- When he wants something, he wants it. You can't fool him anymore by just moving something to a hidden location or by putting another toy in front of him to distract him. He is driven.

- Lots of grunting and very primal noises. For a while he was saying things like "bla bla ba ba"- he's retreated back to grunts. He's an animal, people.

- He LOVES playing hide and seek with me in his crib. He sits in his crib and I sit on the floor so I'm much lower and hidden by the bumper. He gets a huge kick out of it and I can see his adorable little teeth on top. Can't wait to capture a big toothy grin.

Anyway- it's sooo much fun. I adore him and his independent little wild man personality.

1 comment:

  1. oooo i love this post! do i say that every time? maybe i am just biased toward the people involved... *wink. but i love how smart and focused and grunt-ful he has become and how much you guys continue to grow and evolve as a little family. and i love that he loves the sand! this means while you are pool lounging, little davis and i can sneak off (when he is a bit older i guess) and make sand castles on the beaches all day long! yes! such a cutie - strong and independent and smart and loving just like his mom.
