
Bits and Pieces

1) Had another showdown with Davis last night. Exhausting. I hope this phase is over soon. It's the pits. Like I told my mom yesterday, a little bit of Davis goes a long way these days. But oh, I adored him coming in to snuggle with me this morning. I laughed to myself as he fell asleep laying and breathing right on my face, with his arm wrapped around my neck. He is such a little stinker.

2) Holden has another high fever. :( But in fun news, one of her top teeth has broken through, and the other is coming. I was a little worried she only had two teeth at 13 months.

3) I have a happy hour with some new gals at work today- one from Chicago, one from New York, one from L.A. I'm excited to talk with them outside of work. One is married with kids, one is engaged, and one is single. All are super smart and driven. Love that.

4) Nikki is in Savannah giving a talk. She was headed to New York next, but her flight was cancelled due to weather issues in the Northeast. I read a tweet that the Massachusetts governor mandated that no one can be out driving on the roads. Crazy. And it's 80 degrees and gorgeous here. Though I am totally afraid of this summer. #GlobalWarming

5) My mom is my hero. She did ALL of my laundry while also watching my kids yesterday. And I think we generate more dirty laundry than normal people. And more trash. I have to secretly sneak out in the dark of night and stash trash in my neighbors' cans. Man, we gotta work on reducing our footprint.

6) Tomorrow is Guys Night Out. I told Davis that and he said he "would share it with me".

7) On Sunday Bennett heads back to Minneapolis for "Breakfast Club"- which is where he and his buds in the leadership program will present to the CEO and senior management team. Good thing he got a snow hat at Walgreens last time. I think I am going to take the beans to Fred to hang out for the day.

Have a great weekend!

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