And I saved the best for last. My unreal are these green earrings? Most of the things on Noonday are around $40ish. These earrings are $288 because of the amazing stones. I literally had this thought when I saw them: "EEK! I have to have those. EEK! $288? Shoot. Well, think how many women that could help..." But I don't think it works that way, so I will have to admire them from afar.
Spring Noonday Collection
And I saved the best for last. My unreal are these green earrings? Most of the things on Noonday are around $40ish. These earrings are $288 because of the amazing stones. I literally had this thought when I saw them: "EEK! I have to have those. EEK! $288? Shoot. Well, think how many women that could help..." But I don't think it works that way, so I will have to admire them from afar.
Good Love, Mommy
Also, he has this new habit of every time I am about to leave, after asking for a hug and a kiss, he somewhat frantically says "Mommy! Don't forget your phone. And don't forget your keys. And your watch..." And anything else that I sometimes forget. My little buddy.
Holden was so sweet last night- she simply did not want to be out of my lap. I'm still having a hard time with how early she is going to bed (6:15) but we did have a little bit of time to play. She is becoming so animated. And so snuggly.
Okay- off to my meetings! Have a good Thursday.
P.S. last night we went to this great (and new) little brewery called "Pinthouse" in Austin with all of our friends for B's birthday. It was really fun...and I left thinking "Geez, we have great friends." I think that a lot...but thought it especially a lot last night.
So last night when Davis and I were lying in bed, we had the cutest conversation about Honey. This is how it went.
Davis: Where is Honey?
Me: Honey is at home in Fredericksburg.
Davis: But I love my Honey so much.
Me: I know you do, and she loves you.
Davis: But where is she?
Me: She is at her house, in Fredericksburg.
Davis: Why?
Me: Because that's where she lives...
Davis: But can she come back tomorrow?
Me: I wish she could, but tomorrow she is working...
Davis: With the van?
Me: Well...yep, that's where the van is...
Davis: With Derek?
Me: Yep, Derek drives the van.
Davis: I wish Honey could come and stay and play for a long time.
Me: You wish Honey could just live here?
Davis: Yeah! I love my Honey so much.
Happy Tuesday!
I mean really. You couldn't write some of the stuff that happened or was said. One lady spent about 30 minutes of dinner the first night telling us about her son in law's great ass. "He's a body builder, and he just got his pro card and he has the best ASS in the business..." She was so serious, so I was trying so hard not to laugh.
My favorite parts of the trip were the catamaran, the zoo, and drinking and playing cards with everyone out on the patio. Those midwesterners love their card games. And I love zoos. Good zoos anyway- and San Diego's zoo is amazing. Oh, and my other favorite thing was getting home! Bennett was making fun of me because I literally unbuckled my seat belt when we reached the turn off to our house. I wanted to see Davis and Holden right away! Holden was sleeping, but Davis was awake. He was so excited to see us. Holden woke up in the middle of the night, and I swear, she looked so much older. Like her face was more detailed and her hair had grown in more...kills me.
She is now saying "ball", "thank you", "mama", "dada", "up" and "uh oh". Today I put her in this little green polka dot dress and gray leggings and when we got to school, another little girl was in the exact same outfit! They are little twins. Holden cried for minute, but I could see her frown turn to a happy grin when they put her in the buggy for a walk. Cindy, her teacher, called me this morning just to tell me what a great day she is having. She said "Yep, I think she's got it now..." which made me feel great. I love her teachers.
And Davis is so funny, he kept telling me he was so happy to see me last night and that he missed me so much and that Honey got him a new transporter and that he flushed his toothbrush down the toilet and now it doesn't work...and then when I walked out of his room he said "Sleep tight, mom." Ha. Hope you had a great weekend. I am glad to be home.
Back to School
The sweet thing loves to nap, and when she is home, she often naps from 10:30 or 11-2 and then sometimes again at 4:00. Her classroom only does one nap from 12-2, so I actually think that is what makes it hard for her. She's so tired. She very often wants to go to bed at 6:15 when she's been at school. :(
Davis is back to his sweet self. Still has a crazy cough, but you can tell his sweet little spirit is back. My mom and I were talking about how we need to realize that him acting like a little toot is often a sign of sickness, and we should treat it as such. He only got up once last night and that was to go to the bathroom at 2:00 a.m. Then he needed to snuggle with me in bed a bit, and then I tucked him in and didn't see him again until morning. Yahoo.
And I am feeling a little better today- not sweating- so that is an improvement. Not much to say today. Maybe more later. Have a good one.
So, this weekend was fun because we got to see Scott and meet his new girlfriend. She was really nice and fun, easy to talk to. And we did a few fun things like go to the park, but for the most part, this weekend was sort of BLECH. I think we're all kind of in a funk because between the four of us, we've been sick for the last three weeks. Ready for this funk to be over.
I did get out for a bit yesterday to have lunch and a pedicure with Nikki. We talked about wedding stuff and it's getting very exciting! I know that June will be here before we know it, and that Nikki will put together the most amazing wedding ever.
This week, we leave for San Diego on Thursday. I hope it's relaxing and sickness-free!
Holden is in such a mommy phase- she cries the second I put her down and even when someone new comes over. Poor thing...
Had our monthly weigh-in/measurement day this morning. I was down on every measurement but neck. Ha. My arms and waist had the most changes. And I lost 2.5% body fat overall. Boom. Happy Saturday.
Life Feels...
Ugh. I'm tired.
Inch Worms
Anyway. I sent him a text this morning (he is in Minneapolis) saying that I wish he could have set up the camera in our bedroom last night and captured the shenanigans between Davis and I. He came in around 3:00 a.m. and said he wanted to lay with me, that he would be quiet and go to sleep. I was so out of it (I took Advil PM because I couldn't sleep) so I let him in. The next hour and a half looked like this: INCH WORMS. Me inching over, little by little, Davis following me, little by little, until we crossed back and forth our king size bed. Me trying to get away from him, him sticking to me like glue.
He is the sweetest little spooner. He likes to lay right on me, arms around my neck, face on mine. It's really sweet- but it's hot and impossible to sleep. Each time I would scoot, he would either scoot with me, or say "Mommy. Stop moving. I want to lay by you."
It would have made a great stop motion video.
Secondly, I just got some pictures from Holden's teacher. She and her little duckling classmates are so cute. She really wailed today at drop-off, but these pictures make me feel better. Happy Tuesday.
Juice Cleanse
Last night I decided that I would wake up this morning and do a juice cleanse. Not just drink a bunch of Tropicana, but a formal juice cleanse, through this cute place called Juice Land in Austin. Only I found out this morning that you have to let them know 48 hours in advance so they can prep your variety of juices for each day. Okay, so really, the more time you have to think about doing a juice cleanse, the less you probably want to do it, so it's not really the best strategy if you ask me.
I also found out that the cost of a juice cleanse is probably equal to purchasing three juicers. You might think I'm thinking of purchasing a juicer instead- but I'm realistic and know that I would never purchase all the ingredients and then take the time to make my own food replacement juices. So perhaps I will do the juice cleanse next week. I'm pretty glad I didn't do it today because it's 11:00 and I'm starving.
Drop off was good this morning- Holden didn't freak out when we walked in her room. She cried when I left, but I think she was happy to be there, other than that. Davis was a real gem last night, only got up once to go to the bathroom and really didn't give me a hard time at all. I hope that phase is over...but we'll see.
This weekend, my best bud, Scott Pendleton is coming into town with his new girlfriend. I can't wait to see him, and I can't wait to meet her. I heard Scott has gone on a raw food diet- which I feel like is even more unlikely than me going on a juice cleanse- so I have to hear how this came to be. Scott is like 6 feet, 5 inches tall, and played football at Baylor. I cannot picture him eating only raw food. Nuts.
Oh! I thought of another True Story. I won't usually post them this frequently, but I wanted to write it down before I forget. I saw last night that they are coming out with a new Wizard of Oz movie. I just remembered how it would play once a year on TV when we were little and it was a big event because at the time, you couldn't just watch it on Netflix or Apple TV anytime you we would get together with neighbors, or just watch it at home and make hors d'ouvres (which I said like this: hors devores). Anyway- to the point...every year I would think I was ready to watch it. I could handle it.
And EVERY.YEAR I would get so freaked out by the witch or the flying monkeys that I would end up having to stay home from school the next day because I was sick to my stomach. Same with haunted houses. I would barf I would get so freaked out. Ha.
But I think I'm ready this year. :)
Bits and Pieces
1) Had another showdown with Davis last night. Exhausting. I hope this phase is over soon. It's the pits. Like I told my mom yesterday, a little bit of Davis goes a long way these days. But oh, I adored him coming in to snuggle with me this morning. I laughed to myself as he fell asleep laying and breathing right on my face, with his arm wrapped around my neck. He is such a little stinker.
2) Holden has another high fever. :( But in fun news, one of her top teeth has broken through, and the other is coming. I was a little worried she only had two teeth at 13 months.
3) I have a happy hour with some new gals at work today- one from Chicago, one from New York, one from L.A. I'm excited to talk with them outside of work. One is married with kids, one is engaged, and one is single. All are super smart and driven. Love that.
4) Nikki is in Savannah giving a talk. She was headed to New York next, but her flight was cancelled due to weather issues in the Northeast. I read a tweet that the Massachusetts governor mandated that no one can be out driving on the roads. Crazy. And it's 80 degrees and gorgeous here. Though I am totally afraid of this summer. #GlobalWarming
5) My mom is my hero. She did ALL of my laundry while also watching my kids yesterday. And I think we generate more dirty laundry than normal people. And more trash. I have to secretly sneak out in the dark of night and stash trash in my neighbors' cans. Man, we gotta work on reducing our footprint.
6) Tomorrow is Guys Night Out. I told Davis that and he said he "would share it with me".
7) On Sunday Bennett heads back to Minneapolis for "Breakfast Club"- which is where he and his buds in the leadership program will present to the CEO and senior management team. Good thing he got a snow hat at Walgreens last time. I think I am going to take the beans to Fred to hang out for the day.
Have a great weekend!
True Story. Volume 1, Episode 1.
Anyway, I've been thinking about my blog lately and the different things I want to capture...thinking through my editorial calendar, if you will, and I have decided that I will introduce a new feature called "True Story". Basically, I will be writing something about myself that may or may not be known, that captures some part of who I am. This way, if something happens to me tomorrow, I will leave a legacy. And if something doesn't happen to me tomorrow (crossing my fingers) I will at least have something to read when I'm having a midlife crisis, drinking pitchers full of Skinny Girl margaritas, with pictures and remnants of my youth scattered beneath my tears.
So today's True Story is this.
My dad died before I was born. And when I tell people this, they automatically feel awkward about it coming up, and feel sad for me. But the truth is this. I don't know that I even fully realized this hole in my family, or in my life, until I was about 17. I have had a full life, an incredible family, and I think I was a pretty happy-go-lucky kid. Okay, BUT, I don't mean that I was in denial or unaware of the facts, but what I mean when I say I didn't really realize it, is that it didn't have meaning for me, and/or I didn't understand how it has changed me, until I was in high school.
But that is another story. Today's story is this. When we were little, my mom would drive Nikki and I all over the country. Usually back and forth from Texas to South Dakota, but not always. And we would stop in cool towns and visit great landmarks, and I would always wonder or imagine that we were going to run into my dad one day on one of those cross-country trips. I had this idea that it was all a story. That he had not really died, and that it was going to be exposed sooner or later...and boy was my mom going to be mad. I mean, in my mind, sometimes she knew he was alive, so she was going to be mad that we ran into him in some small town in Kansas and the plot was exposed, and other times, she was mad because she had no idea the whole thing was a lie.
So one day, we stopped in at a KFC. We were really healthy and particular eaters back then...geez, wasn't ignorance greasy, breaded bliss? Anyway, we were sitting at the table, just chatting away. Nikki and I on one side, my mom on the other...when a tall man walked in with dark brown hair and a green baseball cap. An athletic, but aged body, a handsome face, but not incredibly well taken care of...and I just knew that this was it. This was when it was going to happen. The whole thing was going to unravel, right there in that KFC. And I didn't know what to do...because my mom was going to be so furious when she saw him, but I was so curious. And I knew I had to make a decision. Nikki and I were facing the door where he walked in...and in that moment I had to decide whether I was going to subtly draw attention to the door, or keep my mom distracted from seeing her supposedly-deceased husband.
The seconds felt like hours. And the decision seemed like the decision of my life. Did I mention that I was probably 8, if I had to guess? And I waited, while pretending to chomp away happily, all the while peering over my drumstick, to see if Nikki would notice. Maybe Nikki would blow the cover off this whole thing. And in that moment, I looked at Nikki and I looked at my young mom, all feasting happily on a bucket of fried chicken and I leave things as they were.
So we licked our fingers, and I ate my mashed potatoes, and whenever there was a sign that my mom might turn around, I did something distracting and probably highly erratic, to keep her facing me. I couldn't relax until that man, presumably and potentially (in my mind), my father, walked back out the door.
And of course I knew later that that man was NOT in fact my dad, and my dad DID in fact die...but I still think of that moment in that KFC when an 8 year old me decided to forego meeting her dad, choosing instead to go on with the story and the life of the Moore girls.
I remember it like it was yesterday, and it makes me laugh, to think of it. Big decisions I was making back then. Would I be a squirrel or a grocery clerk when I grew up? Would I stick with Kathi or switch to Sam? Would I meet my dad, or always wonder.
I hope I have even HALF the imagination I had then.
And that's...a true story.
Excuuuuse Me?
Then there was last night. He had not seen Honey in a while since she was in New York, so that could have been part of it, but I really believe he was just seeing what he could get away with. He kept coming out of his room, and usually when I ask him to go back and get in bed, he does. Or I walk him back in and this happens a few times, but it's not the biggest deal. Last night was different. He would walk out, I would ask him to go get back in bed, and he would say "No. I'm not going to."
This happened about 8 times and I tried everything I usually tried like "Oh, I see that you are not a big boy. I guess you cannot go to the Monster Truck Jam because that is just for big boys." To which he would respond "Okay. I don't want to go..." Or: "Davis, do you want me to give your big boy bed away and get you a baby crib?" "Okay. Yes." He would say.
I was calm for the first 10 rounds. Because honestly, I was kind of surprised and curious, and I wanted to see what he would do. We were both pushing each other's buttons, I guess. It went as far as Honey saying "Okay. I guess I have to go home. I cannot play with Davis anymore because he is not listening to his mommy..." This would usually prompt tears and crying and promises of good behavior. Last night he calmly said "Okay."
Finally, I got mad as he stood in the hall just singing "happy birthday" while I looked at him and said "Do. Not. Walk. Into. This. Room." I have told him before that I would lock his door if he cannot stay in his bed and that has always been enough to get him to stay put. So, after exhausting every effort, including taking away the toy Honey just brought him from New York...I walked him back to his room, gently pushed him through the door, and pulled it close.
And then...I held the doorknob. He went to open it and when he realized it was "locked" he went BERZERK. Crying, screaming, throwing himself on the floor. He tried about 50 times to open the door and each time he realized it wasn't opening, he got amped up a little more. At the point where he started to retch (don't feel bad for him- this doesn't take much to get him to this point) I said "DAVIS. ARE YOU READY TO LISTEN?"
"Yes mommy, yes mommy." I walked in and he said, while sniffling and trying to catch his breath "I need a hug. I don't wike that mommy. I will be a good boy. I will not be naughty."
So I gave him a big hug and I talked to him and said "Davis- that is what it is like to have the door locked. If you keep getting up, I will lock the door, and it will not matter how much you cry, I will leave the door locked until morning time. But if you stay in bed, I will leave the door unlocked. I don't want to have to lock the door, I want you to listen and be my nice boy..."
"Okay mommy. I will stay in bed. I will listen. I don't wike that."
And that was that. Tough love, man. Sometimes they need it.
Separately, I got this sweet note from Holden's teacher after I sent them an email yesterday asking how she was doing since she cried so much when I left yesterday:
Sorry Sam that I didn't get your email until now. Please always feel free to call the center and talk with us....I don't want you wondering what is going on. It is hard to leave when she is crying, but she really had a good day yesterday. We stayed in for the morning, so less transition time and painted which she enjoyed. Still adjusting to the one nap schedule, so does seem very tired for nap...goes right to sleep and truly wakes up refreshed, ready to eat snack and play outside. She is adjusting well and we are so happy to have her in the classroom. Every day will get even better as she learns the schedule and we create bonding time.
Happy Thursday!
My Morning
Woke up to a crying baby, which never happens. Holden has a stuffy nose and a cough, poor thing...
Packed them up to go to school, got halfway to school and realized: my cute purple pants have a stain on the left leg and dirt on the right leg. Like I don't wash my clothes. Awesome.
Dropped Holden off at school, and she was much happier and more explorative this morning than she has been. Braver, I guess. But OH how she cried when I left. I could hear her on the way to the car. Almost broke my heart.
Found out that their school is closed again on the 18th. Geez Louise, I feel like they take a lot of liberties with days off. Going to have to figure that out.
Got to work, just to realize that I left my wallet at HEB last night. Called around, re-checked my car, only to find said wallet jammed under a car seat with a STINKY BANANA.
Lets hope I am surprised by how much better the day gets.
Also...Somebody Stop Me
Shopping for Holden might be more fun than shopping for myself! So, just sharing a few cute and recent finds for Miss Holden Eloise.
I Love My Home
Last night, after picking him up, I told him we were going to go get daddy and Holden and go somewhere to eat. We don't do this very often on school nights, usually we go home because Holden goes to sleep so early AND...Davis loves to be at home. To this point, he immediately said: "No. I need to go to my home first. And play." So I explained that we would go eat, and then we would go home and play. To which he responded frantically: "No! I want to go home first. I LOVE my home."
S: "Oh Davis, that's sweet. What do you love about your home?"
D: "I love about my home my toys. And my room."
S: "Is your home your favorite place to be?"
D: "Yes, I love my home best than Target."
Also, the other day, he got himself in BIG FAT trouble by throwing a fit and hitting the TV when I turned it off. I rarely have to get mad or yell at Davis, but this really pushed me over the edge. "NO SIR. YOU DO NOT ACT THAT WAY..." I said while pointing my finger at him. His attitude shifted from an angry tantrum to fear and panic. I walked out of the room, so mad...and he sniffling, sobbing, walked into my room and looked at me, sort of leaning in to me, wanting to hug me, but not sure if I was still so mad...and he said " sniffle...make me happy again?"
Last night, I told him that B and Bennett are going to take him to the Monster truck jam on Saturday. He quickly said "OH! That sounds fun..." and we talked about it the rest of the night. He asked a million questions and this morning, the first thing he said was "Is it Saturday?"
Also last night, while lying in bed, so quietly...he whispered "Nazli". I said "What did you say?"
D: Miss Nazli. I love Miss Nazli. (this is his new teacher, her name is said like "Nozz-lee.)
S: You do?
D: Yes, and Miss Hillary. Oh and I forgot Miss Mari. I love my teachers. And my school.
S: "That's so nice, Davis. Do you tell them? And act so nice for them? Listen to what they say?
D: Yes, and do my jobs.
S: What jobs do you do?
D: Do my mat roll, and do my shoes.
I have to remind myself of the phases. Three is emotional. Up and down. But overall, he is a sweet little boy. Last night at dinner, I was talking to Holden, she was really hungry and we had just finished the bread at our table, so I asked the waiter for a little more bread and then looked at Holden and quietly said "It's coming, Holden. It's coming." Davis looked at me and said "She can have some of my bread, mommy." So smart, and kind, for a three year old.
Holden wasn't so sure about going back to school today. It was hard. She is so sweet and tries so hard to be happy. She would smile, but with this look like "Am I okay?"
I saw this little quote on pinterest the other day- and it really struck a chord with me. I'm trying to think about it, and act on it, every day.
Have a good day.
My Girls
This morning was a little harder. All the little bitties were there and you know, they climb right up in your face, and I think she was just a little overwhelmed. She sat in my lap and would occasionally whimper, turn around, and cling around my neck. It was hard. She is so sweet.
I drove away feeling fine though. This time around, I KNOW she will adjust. I KNOW the school and the teachers are great. And I KNOW this is just part of life- learning to get comfortable in new situations.
AND, I just got a call from her teacher, saying she was doing wonderfully. And that she is/was exhausted and fell right asleep at nap time. I bet she goes to bed early tonight.
So that is an update on Holden.
Next up, my weekend with Katie. Gosh, it was SO.MUCH.FUN. I'm sad it's over. I always know that I love being with Katie, but I am still always surprised by how much fun we have, and how great it is to be with someone that knows me SO well. We got there at 11:30, drove down to La Cantera for lunch at Z Tejas, talked all through lunch, talked all through walking around La Cantera, talked on the way to get our nails done (Bennett surprised me and booked pedicures for us- so nice. Totally speaking my love language. What a guy.) Talked through the pedicures, then through dinner, after dinner, and all the way until 3:00 a.m.
Then we woke up the next morning and talked until we left. Okay- so the one thing that I left out is that when we weren't talking, we were L.A.U.G.H.I.N.G. Katie is funny. FUNNY. Also, we sort of thought my car was stolen that night, but that's a different story.
The high notes:
- just catching up. hearing about ohio. hearing about being back.
- picking out outfits for our little girls at this little Danish boutique.
- busting the neighbors for partying too loud.
- panicking about aforementioned stolen car.
- wearing great (uncomfortable) high heels to dinner and ending up at The Cheesecake Factory. Ha.
- reminiscing about funny events/stories past.
I told Bennett it was GOOD. FOR. MY. SOUL.
I love Katie.
The only picture I got, from my time with Katie, was this:
And that is appropriate. On the way there, I talked to my grandma, and she said something like "I'm so glad you get to spend time with Katie. Act like little ladies..." And I said "No promises, Nanny. No promises." Ha.
Here are some pics from Super Bowl Sunday...which was boring, by the way. Except for the halftime show. Holy legs, Beyonce. And dance moves. And everything.
Friday = Weigh Day
Lost another pound this week. Down about five since we started the challenge. Bennett is down like 10, of course, but oh well.
Just took the beans in for well check appointments, both are in great shape, yahoo! Davis is in 75% for both height and weight, and Dr.Frank projects he will be 6'. Little Tiny, on the other hand is in 25% for both height and weight.
Ooh, boy, does she remember the doctors office. She whimpers and cries the moment we walk in.
And poor little D has a double ear infection but swears his ears don't hurt. He was pretty crabby last night and came and got in bed ON me at 4:00 a.m. so I am glad he will have meds today.
Happy Friday.