
What I Love Wednesday

1) That Holden is sleeping through the night pretty consistently.

2) Running! I have been running more lately and I forgot that it's an exercise I actually enjoy.

3) That Davis looked at me this morning and said "I like your hair, mommy." It was wet.

4) That my mom comes on Wednesday nights, which means Bennett and I can have a date or go to community group.

5) That it's mid-August and getting closer to fall.

6) That I work with such fun people.

7) How excited Davis is to wear his "wympics" shirt almost every other day.

8) How angelic and sweet Holden is. Her smile melts my heart like the sun on the 4th of July.

9) When I get comments on my blog posts that are encouraging!

10) Chicken sausage. Tried it for the first time last night. Didn't taste healthy, but it was.

11) That our new couch and rug from Red should be in any day now!

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