
Make it a double...

Ugh. Double ear infection that is. Home from work and school with Davis today after a long night of screaming. We're tired. Hoped to send him back tmw until I got a note from his teacher saying there is a case of steep in his class, along with a strong chance of hand foot mouth (whatever that is). Awesome.


  1. eeww. hand foot mouth definitely sounds like things are not where they belong! feel better little one!

  2. Ugh. No bueno. Sorry he's feeling bad, and sorry you're not sleeping as a result. :( Hope things are looking up tomorrow!

  3. Sam,
    I have been reading your blog and really enjoying it. Your son is too cute!
    Congrats on baby #2.
    Just wanted to let you know you do not want hand, foot, mouth... it is HORRIBLE!!! Some kids get a more mild case than others, but, my kiddos didn't eat or hardly drink for three days. It causes sores in those places and they stay for a while. They can even go down their throat. So very miserable. It is so contagious and I hear that they are contagious until the sores go away. I think that is why it spreads so much because sometimes they don't go away for close to a week.
    I hope your little man doesn't get it.

  4. I did not post that to scare you... just to inform you since you didn't know what it was. :)
