
Joy Joy Joy

Oh I hate that Bennett isn't here- not just because I miss him- but because he is missing seeing Davis maybe as joyful as I have ever seen him. The weather is gorgeous here, so we've played outside all day, and Davis could not be feeling more joyful. He adores Brayden and wants to do everything he does. They run and make each other laugh until they fall over. He woke up saying "Bay-den Bay-den!" And went to sleep saying "play? play?"

Today we drove to the best apple orchard and farm. It was huge. I have so many pictures, and I'll upload them when I get home, but seriously- the apples were beautiful and there were so so many. I've never just plucked apples off a tree- but it's so cool to do. And Davis loved it. More than picking them, he loved eating them. He probably ate the equivalent of a whole apple- but really had 3 or 4 going at a time. He just couldn't get enough. They were so juicy and sweet.

We had a picnic lunch, played on the hay bales, climbed on the tractors, and just had so much fun. He napped for 3 hours after, then we went to dinner in Hudson. Hudson is adorable, so picturesque, so quaint. We played on the thick green grass of the town square after dinner, and then went home to roast marshmallows. Ray built this great little fire pit out back in their forest- yes seriously- and Davis got to roast his first mallows! It was so fun and crisp outside. Then we played on the driveway until bedtime.

I wish I could capture that 30 minutes we played on the driveway. Davis was so happy. He ran and chased balls and he laughed and he high fived Brayden maybe 25 times and he got in and out of Brayden's little car and then on and off Brayden's little bicycle, and at one point I had to chase him to get him to stop running (laughing all the way) and when I grabbed his chest, I could feel his heart beating 100 miles a minute. It was so precious. I'm so glad we came. I'm so thankful he's so joyful and so thankful I'm his mom. We do miss daddy though and wish he was here! Tonight, in the car on the way home from dinner, Davis just looked at me at one point and said "Daddy?" I smiled and said "Yeah, do you miss daddy?" He said "miss. daddy." Me too.


  1. So glad you are both having so much fun! It sounds like what you find in katie's friendship - joy, laughter & camaraderie - Davis is finding in brayden's. Please tell Katie & ray hello & I am looking forward to your photos!

    Aunt m

  2. Miss you both and bummed I missed this
