

Yesterday, Davis stayed with Carrie, a potential new nanny. She is the daughter of one of my co-workers, has a background in childhood development, just graduated from college and could help out until she heads to grad school in the fall. Anyway- she is as cute as a button- and Davis loved her. He gave her super flirty eyes and kept backing into her legs when Bennett would come close, like "Dad, I'm with her."

We're still not sure if that is goign to be a better fit or if school is- so we're trying to figure all of that out in the next few weeks.

Anyway- when I got home- he was SOOO happy. And SOOO cuddly. Which never happens. That little boy has been independent and on the go since the beginning. He started holding his own bottle and preferred to lie on the ground while he drank it when he was about 4 months old. I walked in and he had the cheesiest little smile and came running to the door. Running is new- so the falling has increased if you can believe that. After Carrie left, he kept coming over to me, leaning against me, sitting on my lap, and even letting me hug him while he held still for long periods of time. WHAT?

He started to get fussy earlier than normal, so I thought, well I'm just going to try and rock him and give him his milk-- halfway knowing that he will want to get down and play the second we sit down in his room. Instead, not only did he let me hold him facing inward to me, like a little baby, he also wouldn't hold his own sippy cup. It was so crazy- so I rocked him and held his sippy cup, and sang to him...and even when he finished his milk, he just wanted to hug and snuggle. What a treat.

Bennett walked in with a face that first looked like "What is going on?" and then he said "That looks so cozy..." so we seized the opportunity and then he took a turn snuggling with Davis.

It was so sweet.