
Checking In

Just a few notes on what's been going on lately...and the most important note is that I need to find my camera so I can capture all of these amazing things! Where is it? Anyway...

- Hugs all the time, it's the best
- Saying "Aya?" all the time, grinning when we pretend it's Daddy calling
- Mimicry of words- Pico, No, Mama, Ball, etc.
- Matchbox cars!!! Loves all cars, but especially Matchbox cars!
- 4 new teeth- at one time- and no fussing. Amazing. He now has 12.
- Giant bug bite that made his arm swell and get red and hard
- Smiling in the car, talking to himself
- Giggling at Pico
- Snuggling on his blue snuggle blanket with his fuzzy blue elephant- favorites!
- Chicken, cheese, waffles, fruit snacks. That's it. Rejecting most everything else.
- Running!
- Loving Carrie...I mean loving her.
- New clothes, 18-24 months.

It's going way too fast.

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