
One Month

Okay it's not exactly one month- but tomorrow is October and if anyone should be able to count the days and round down a little bit- I think it should be me. ;) Katie, Carrie and Nikki threw me an amazing shower this weekend- pictures are to come so I won't get to into the details in this post- but suffice it to say that something happened that day beyond eating a bunch of ice cream and fried pickles. I left feeling giddy about becoming a mom and meeting our little boy in just a month- again- no need to get into details as far as dates go. Things are becoming so real as we add the finishing touches to the nursery (more pics to come) and as we talk more and more about what it will be like when baby Davis gets here.

Now I am going to make a few observations- mainly so I will have these to remember in years to come. This is a short list of things that I have been into or have been thinking about during this last part of my pregnancy.

I couldn't love yellow Gatorade more.
I feel HUGE. Huge like a person that has a whole human inside of them.
I keep dreaming about baby Davis- which is so much fun.
I for the first time really crave chocolate- which I could have done without. THANKS.
It's tricky to sleep now. I pee about 8 times a night and roll around twice as much.
I look at babies and kids in a completely different way- though I still have low tolerance for the ones that behave like little shits. Of course baby Davis will be different. HA.
I'm so thankful it's getting cooler- I can't wait for it to really feel like fall.
I look at big Davis differently and can't wait to see him as a dad.
I'm so glad I will have a new baby and time off during the holiday season.
Red meat is amazing.
It feels so right that we're having a little boy.
As excited as I am about the baby- I am so glad Davis and I have had so many years to spend together first.

That's all for now. More to come!


  1. i love this post and i loved hearing you talk about making a little shelf for tiny d's kitchen things, and making a spot for his bath things in the guest bath... i can hardly hardly wait!

  2. Sam, I was just scrolling through my followers of Hill Country House and clicked on YOU! I am so excited to find your blog and feel like I have caught up with you and Davis, a bit, anyway. I am so happy for you two and can't wait to see you next weekend. Hannah asks all the time if I have seen you and if you have had your baby!Now I can tel her "Soon, soon"! Love to you all! Ann
