
Chinese Delivery?

I've been having dreams about little Davis more frequently as we continue to get closer to his upcoming birthday. Last night, I had a dream that I was in China for work, and of course I went into labor while there. Davis was doing his best to get himself to The Orient, but alas, I was left to have our baby alone in China, with a seemingly underage doctor. The labor really wasn't so bad- except that I was sitting in what seemed like a church pew when it happened, AND it was a completely new way to deliver (which I'll spare you). Regardless, baby Davis came out kicking and screaming and then I got to play with him for awhile. It was like a fun little preview- just the playing with him part. I'll just die if anything similar to the rest of the dream happens in real life.

Anyway- the dream ended with a severe calf cramp (in real life) and me jacking big Davis in the forehead with my elbow around 4:30 a.m. The moral of this story is: eat more bananas.

1 comment:

  1. ok. i have a solution. if anyone tries to tell you 'oh sam, we're only flying to phoenix' ask them if they are carrying a passport. if they are, and if it has a visa in it for china, tell them you will go to phoenix another time.
    genius, i know.

    so funny...
