
What's Cookin?

Davis and the Koalas class will begin doing some "cooking activities" starting next week. We got a note from his teacher telling us about some of the new things they'll be doing to further their development...starting with things like making pizza, play doh and trail mix. I think Davis will LOVE this. They are also going to open the door between the Honey Bears and the Koalas twice a week, let 6 kids swap at a time for an hour or so, just so the Koalas are able to learn from the older kids and so both groups have a little change of scenery.

It's weeks like this one that I'm so glad he is in school. He has little friends there! When we pick him up- he's still excited to see us- but it's not like he's been anxiously waiting. His friends all tell him "bye" and he is so happy. It's great.

What else is cooking? Well, Bennett and I went to my 37 week appointment and things are trucking along. I was glad to hear that Dr. Seeker still thinks it will be end of January. I'm more dilated and effaced- but he still feels confident that Bennett should go to Minneapolis next week. I'm starting to get excited. I'm hopeful that this weekend we'll do some of the final things and that will make me feel ready and also make me even more excited about it all.

Adios for now!

1 comment:

  1. february 1! thats the day I'm rooting for. I'd love a beautiful baby Bennett on my birthday!
