
Quick Pics

A few quick pics from the weekend...Carrie told me that it's like a switch goes off at 3 months and she was so right. He is looking at his toys, holding them, talking more, responding to smiles, etc. It's so much fun. Oh and big news- Davis rolled over on Sunday morning! Video to come.


  1. my nephew the multiface-ted cutie!

    so look at that top picture, where davis' mouth is covered and then look at one of your baby pictures, sam - identical!

    and yet, the picture of the two davis' - mouth, face shape, forehead and cheek bones - identical again!

    i'm not commenting on whose butt he has... thankfully i have no pics of you two to compare!


  2. scarlett likes the one of baby davis' bootie.
    the look so much alike! so handsome.
    love to you all!
