
Apple Eaters

Holden is getting so big. She has stayed up until 7:30 the past two nights and I am SO thankful. This gives me at least a full hour with her each night. And it allows Davis and Holden to play together more too. Last night, Davis was snacking on some green apples and Holden got a hold of one. She LOVED it and he was so proud of her. So here are some funny and fuzzy phone pictures from our play time last night. And below these, I will share a funny story.

This guy is so close to being in underwear full-time.


So last night we were driving home, and I told Davis I loved him and asked him if he would live with me always. He said "yes" and then I said "Okay good. You can always live at my house."

He paused and thought...and then he said "No mommy. You can live in your own house. I am going to live at my house. And it will be green, like Honey's." Well there you go. At three years old? That's too young to be planning out his bachelor pad if you ask me.

1 comment:

  1. yeah for green apples, the hope of green houses and the cutest little apple eaters!
