
The Thing About Being a Mom

is that you're always a little torn.

We threw Courtney's bachelorette this weekend and it was so much fun to celebrate her and spend time with girlfriends. But I was talking to Kirsten about how, even as early as Saturday morning, we missed our little ones. And it's hard because you know you've been totally looking forward to having the weekend away to yourself, and you're almost frustrated that you miss them...but you can't help it.

And then maybe you rush to get home Sunday morning instead of being leisurely...and then by the end of the day you're like "Why wasn't I leisurely???" But you know that you'd do the same thing next time- because even when you're away and you want to be- you also want to be home.

At least I do. And that's just one more reason why being a mom is tricky business. Great business, but tricky business.

Anyway, we had a blast on Friday night...we went to Swift's Attic for a small plate dinner and drinks, then went to a girlfriend's house for some wine tasting by a local sommelier. Then things got a little rowdy and next thing you know- one of our pregnant DDs is driving us home- and I am sleeping on Courtney's floor with the luggage even though there is a spot on the bed. Zoinks. If I had a penny for how many times I told people "life is short!" on friday- I'd be rich. Ha.

From this:

To this:

In just a number of hours. Okay not really- that's not me...but you get what I mean.

Saturday we went to Lakeway Resort and Spa and got to spend a little time in the sun right before the rainstorm hit. I really cannot believe that they are getting married this weekend...

Yesterday when I got home, I was so thrilled to see Davis and Holden and they were thrilled to see me too. Davis wouldn't leave my side for an hour at least. They took AMAZING naps (3 hours for Holden, 2 for Davis) and then we went to get Davis' hair cut, we went to Half Price Books, and then home. We played and played until bedtime and then hit the sack hard. Well sort of. Davis woke up three times last night. 1st needing some milk. 2nd needing some strawberry milk. 3rd missing his daddy. And 4th at 6:00 a.m. ready for the day. WHAT? What happened to my good sleeper?

Anyway- back at work this morning and feeling homesick for Bennett but excited about the weekend and a little tired. Got a really big deal signed this morning at work and feeling good about that. Sometimes, the projects that I help pitch or work on are super hyped and then there is all this pressure around actually bringing it in. This one was what I call a sleeper. Nobody expected it- and I surprised them. Waiting to have Gatorade dumped on my head and to be hoisted over the shoulders of my co-workers.

Probably going to be waiting a while. Ha.

Got some great pics of my little people this weekend- will upload and post them tomorrow. Bennett sent me a pic of Davis trying on his tuxedo on Friday night and my heart almost busted open right then and there. Oh, I will cry when he walks down the aisle. Oh lawd, give me strength.

Happy Monday.

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