
Mom Guilt

I have it. And I've always been the person that thinks it's so silly to feel guilty over things which you clearly shouldn't feel guilty about. i.e. we are going to Cabo for our 5 year anniversary on Thursday...and I can hardly even get excited about it because I feel both guilty for and nervous about leaving little D behind (even though I know he is in great hands with Honey). I've got to shake this...because it's going to be amazing and we're going to be back before he knows it.

Anyway- someone asked me last night what Davis is up to these days. Here is a list.
1) moving everywhere, scooting, rolling, inch-worming, etc.
2) making sounds that sound more like words, like "yayayayayaya" or "blabababababa"
3) grabbing tiny things in one try- before it was like the claw just reaching around for whatever he came across- now he is into grabbing my earrings, my necklace, pieces of dirt on the floor, etc.
4) shouting, first it was screaming, and he still does that occasionally- mainly in restaurants, but now it's like little boy shouts or grunts
5) dunking his face in the pool- he leans so far forward and works so hard to get his face in, then he pops up looking so surprised at what happened

1 comment:

  1. Don't feel guilty. Have so much fun!!! You deserve it!
