
Firsts, All Around

Lots of firsts this weekend. Davis' first memorial day, his first swim in the Llano river, and his first boat ride. He seemed to enjoy all things Memorial Day, and I have some pictures and an awesome video that I will post later.

My first was a training session this morning (6 am!) with my friend Stacey and a guy named Ahmad. We've been referring to him as Ahmad Rashad, and so I accidentally called him "Rashad" a few times which was embarrassing enough and then it was amplified when we found out his name isn't even Ahmad Rashad. It's Ahmad Watson. Oops. Since today was the first day, we weighed in, did measurements, body fat percentages, etc. Sort of dismal. Okay, not sort of. Totally dismal. Then, for the second half of the hour, we started working out. And it was hard. So hard and yet I'm quite certain it's actually easy stuff- I'm just in horrible shape. So anyway...I'm already sore (3 hours later) and I am dreading the full hour on Thursday.

But on the flip side, I will say I feel great right now. The truth is, I haven't felt this good, like fresh from a hard workout in over a year. I forgot what it feels like. So anyway- I'm just going to press on, endure the torture and hope that it shows soon enough. The interesting, potentially frustrating thing is that when we were talking to him about weight watchers, I told him that I lose about a pound a week on average...and he said "Well here is the hard thing about training like this...for women especially. At first you aren't going to see the progress on the scale. Because while you will lose weight long-term, my focus is on building muscle and losing inches. So don't get frustrated. " Yeah Right Ahmad. That's what I wanted to say.

Anyway- for the most part, I'm excited about it all. MOMENTUM!
However I did gain almost a pound last week. Which was a bummer, but I'm not going to lie...really I enjoyed putting on every ounce drinking wine last weekend in Fredericksburg with my girlfriends. Se la vie.

Oh, one more thing...Davis is working so hard on crawling. He's almost figured it out, but in the meantime, he rolls to cross long distances and then he's figured out how to turn/spin on his belly like a turntable to get what he wants. He was super excited when he rolled on to the wood floor Sunday morning and saw that he could slide across the room with ease. He has also gotten a lot quicker with his thoughts and movements. I'll do this game now where he is lying on his belly with his arms out...I'll slap my hand on the ground in front of him, then move it away really fast. He'll start to smile and grab at my hand each time I move it...and he's pretty quick on the draw. What a doll. Love that kid.

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