
Baby Boy

is 5 months today. And I took the cutest pictures of him before work this morning- specifically for this post. Then I forgot my camera. Hmpph. I will add them later. In the meantime- when Davis was first born- I totally wondered what my life would be like around 5 or 6 months. Here is a little glimpse, for prosperity's sake.

At 5 months:
- I'm getting great sleep again, which is amazing. davis has slept through the night 4 of the last 7 nights and he wakes up happy most of the time.

- I feel like I know what I'm doing. I mean, I've been able to keep him alive for 5 months now (with big D's help) and I feel like the hardest part is probably over.

- I feel a bit more like myself. I'm more likely to go do things because I'm getting into the swing of things and I'm getting sleep, plus physically, I've begun to make a dent in the amount of pounds I need to lose (i've lost 10, with 20 to go), so that feels good.

- Davis is showing his personality more and more. He has the sweetest eyes and smile and I think my prayers will come to fruition that he will have a kind heart. Not to say he won't be a troublemaker like his dad, but I hope that in addition, he has a soft heart and sensitive spirit (also like his dad).

- He loves rolling around, grabbing toys, and he also loves being stood up on his feet. His face is absolutely like "Look at me. Look what I'm doing. I'm so big." It's adorable.

- I think he has identified his special things- there are two. One is a Jellycat (brand) elephant and one is a Jellycat bunny. They are so soft and he now sleeps with one of them each night and snuggles it like it's his lifeline. so cute.

- Big D and I are closer than ever. Mainly because we've had to rely on each other so much and we share an insane love for baby Davis that anyone else just can't understand.

Things are good.


  1. are you blogging from work? what job number are you billing it to? ;-)
    as far as the sleep thing goes you have just jinxed yourself.
    jellycat-i just ordered you a dozen so that you, like me can begin a rotation plan.
    Lovs, J

  2. happy 5 months birthday little Davis!!!
    love love love
    your aunt nikki
