
15 by 6.15

As you all know, I've been focused on losing the remaining weight from being pregnant. This weekend, Davis decided to join the cause. I'll kindly just say that we both have a little weight to lose post-pregnancy. He, being the sweet husband that he is, was matching me pound for pound there for a while...just so I wouldn't feel alone. :) Anyway- we decided to do a Bennett Family Challenge, pledging to lose 15 pounds by June 15th. This gives us just about two months so it should be doable. We chose the 15th for several reasons. 1) it's a nice mid-month number, 2) it gives us two months, 3) it's right around our 5 year anniversary, and 4) we want to feel okay in bathing suits this summer (that's more me than Davis, though).

Anyway- putting it out there on the blog so you will all know what we're trying to do and you won't woo us with booze or french fries or anything absolutely AMAZING like that.

P.S. Headed to Boulder today for work- please say a prayer for my flight and that my heart won't break from missing the Davises. I'll be back Friday- so it's short and I am thrilled about the opportunity- but it will be my first time away from baby Davis...hopefully he won't even realize I'm gone.

1 comment:

  1. So, you guys aren't planning on splurging for our cultural dinner this weekend? Just walk an extra mile on Sunday. :)
